03/07/2024 拜登总统在国情咨文中表示:我们反对中国的不公平经济行为,并坚决维护台海和平稳定。我确保最先进的美国技术不会被用于中国,并禁止将其出口到那里

1 year ago

03/07/2024 President Biden gives his State of the Union: We are standing up against China's unfair economic practices. We're standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits. I've made sure that the most advanced American technologies can't be used in China, not allowing to trade them there. And we're in a stronger position to win the conflict of the 21st century against China than anyone else for that matter, than any time as well.
03/07/2024 拜登总统在国情咨文中表示:我们反对中国的不公平经济行为,并坚决维护台海和平稳定。我确保最先进的美国技术不会被用于中国,并禁止将其出口到那里。在21世纪与中国的冲突中,我们比任何国家都更有竞争力,也比以往任何时候都更有优势。

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