03/08/2024 美国国会正在迅速立法,将禁止抖音在美国运营,除非抖音与总部位于北京的母公司字节跳动分离。立法者对抖音可能监视并操纵美国人表示担忧。法案提出仅48小时后就被委员会一致

1 year ago

03/08/2024 The National Desk: Congress is moving with lightning speed on legislation that would prohibit TikTok in the US unless it separates from Beijing-based parent company, ByteDance. The lawmakers are concerned about the potential for the platform to surveil and manipulate Americans. Just 48 hours after the bill was introduced, it passed unanimously out of committee. TikTok pushed back, claiming the bill violates the First Amendment, even encouraging users to call their representatives.
03/08/2024 The National Desk: 美国国会正在迅速立法,将禁止抖音在美国运营,除非抖音与总部位于北京的母公司字节跳动分离。立法者对抖音可能监视并操纵美国人表示担忧。法案提出仅48小时后就被委员会一致通过。抖音提出反对,声称该法案违反了第一修正案,甚至鼓励用户致电议员。

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