If..electronic cigarette or ebike or e-scooter lithium battery burns..

1 year ago

If a tenant's / tenants' electronic cigarette or ebike or e-scooter lithium battery burns or explodes --- thereby causing damage to a strata condo, the condo owner(s) is the "deep pocket" that will likely be held to pay. (Not legal advice.) The cost of a balcony repair from a small fire like this was $75K, approximately.

The condo owner may be able to third-party claim against several parties, including an e-cigarette vendor.

If injuries or deaths happened, the plaintiff's lawyers will claim against offshore distributors and manufacturers. Usually in the $10M range per life lost.

An insurance company will look for ways to avoid defending.

The above is based on my experience as an 'Erin Brokovich' at five law firms. Not legal advice.

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