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CLEARVIEW - Up-Coming Biblical Eclipse With Sheila Holm - Captions
This video revolves around a discussion of a series of solar eclipses and their significance, particularly in the United States. The conversation starts with Sheila mentioning an upcoming third eclipse, following the previous ones in 2017 and 2023, which will complete a seven-year cycle by 2024. The eclipses are noted for creating a "cross" across America, with the paths crossing over states that contain cities named Salem, which is linked to the Hebrew word for peace, "shalom," and Jerusalem. Sheila emphasizes the importance of these eclipses and their timing, suggesting that they are a sign from God showing his hand over America, especially considering the socio-political changes in the country since 2017.
The discussion then shifts to biblical references and lessons, focusing on the story of Jonah and Nineveh. Sheila relates her personal experience of resisting God's calling, likening it to Jonah's initial resistance. She also mentions the town of Nineveh, which is present in several states in the U.S., and how the upcoming eclipse will pass through six of these states, drawing a parallel between the biblical story and current events. Sheila suggests that America has a chance to unite and follow God's path, much like Nineveh did after Jonah's warning, and that the country's fate could be similar to Nineveh's if it does not heed the lessons from the past.
Finally, the conversation touches on political figures, particularly President Trump, and how his statements often carried deeper meanings or prompted people to research and uncover truths. Sheila criticizes how society has become sensitive to "mean tweets" and emphasizes the importance of speaking up against absurdities. She also discusses the significance of the term "covfefe," which became a meme after Trump tweeted it, and how it relates to the idea that "in the end, God wins." The video ends with Sheila reflecting on her dislike for chemistry and how she is not inclined to look into the scientific explanation behind "covfefe," preferring to focus on its symbolic meaning.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Sheila Holm ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
We, in this country, in this generation, are, by destiny rather than choice, the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint. And that we may achieve in our time, and for all time, the ancient vision of peace on earth, goodwill towards men.
That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago, except the Lord keep the city, the watchman awaketh but in vain.
You want to start? You want to go ahead, go ahead. You do it. All right. Welcome everybody. I am pleased to have Sheila Holm here with us. An amazing, beautiful blessed Patriot. One of our favorites, one of our favorites, and she's got some beautiful her, all of our presentations are beautiful. How are you, Sheila?
What have you been up to and, and what do you have for us today? I think we're going to surprise each other. I think we're going to enter into areas that nobody else has known about, nobody else has seen, and I'm doing it on purpose, and it's partly because their dog loves me. I mean that's, I do know that that's true, because a dog has tried to follow me home and go home with me.
So I feel very blessed and fortunate, absolutely. Yeah, a lot of, a lot of our fans, some of our fans knew we acquired a baby. Her name is Zelda. So she runs and travels with us everywhere now. So she's a puppy patriot. We call her and she does absolutely love Sheila. So, which is good. Well, good. So what are we going to be talking about?
How would you like to start this off? Well, I think we should start off with something coming up right after Ishtar Easter on the 31st of March. We've got a third eclipse coming up, and everyone knows about the three eclipses that go to the reawaken, but each time I've added more information. So in 2017, we talked about the seven cities named Salem peace across this nation, and it went from Salem, Oregon, all the way across to every state had a Salem except Tennessee.
It did clip across Tennessee, but every other state went across to a town named Salem in the state. Yeah. And so, and then Hebrew Jerusalem in The Bible, Jerusalem, and so Salem, that's how Salem relates, and it went through the seven cities, so that is completeness, harmony, peace. Again it's just an awesome, awesome structure that started this.
The other gift is it's in seven years, and the seven years are 2017 to 2024, so I don't know if we can bring up the map. I sent you the I don't think I have it. Do you have it? I always wondered why these cities were named what they were and there's definitely a reason, isn't there? Well, there's even more now that we're coming up with the new one.
I'm gonna look right now. I'm pretty sure I sent it. So the last eclipse. So this is the April Eclipse you're speaking of, right? Right. There's three. 2017 was in August, I believe. 20 23 was in October, and it happened to be the same time I was on platform with Reawaken at Durell in On October 14 in Durrell, in Miami.
She's talking about the crisscross. I think a lot of people have seen it. Where? Crisscrosses over the United States? Yes. Yep. So that's the map that you're looking for. Yes. And I think I sent it, but I'm resending it right now so that you guys can have it so that we can scroll through and everybody can see it as we go through.
But I sent it to your, to your email. So the, the key is all three. Now, we've not had solar eclipses for so many years before 2017. That's the other humor. And then after 2024, April 8, when it goes this year, now, they happen all the time, but they don't come across North America. So, I had five different experts.
Look, there's none in the next 30 years that cross across America. But it's happening 2017 to 2024. These three and everybody said there's an X across America. That's what it's forming. And that's making America a target because you know, America doesn't exist in Revelation and the end times and everybody's talking about all of this stuff.
That is what some people think to that, you know, they say we're waiting for Israel to fall or, or, you know, and, and some people believe that the United States. Is the last to fall. What are your thoughts on that? What are the three letters in the nine letters in the middle and the heart of Jerusalem? U.
S. A. A lot of P. S. I just wanted your thoughts. So, 2017, we had that and wasn't it in, I don't think it was in 2017, it was 2018, wasn't it? When Jerusalem, we returned our embassy to Jerusalem. That's 2018. Yep. Yes. And so all of these things have been all on this same path. So did it, did it download and upload for you?
Okay, so why don't we, why don't we go into the three solar eclipses? Because the fourth, the third one is coming up on April 8th. And so that's right after Ishtar Easter. And Ishtar in English is the word Easter. And that's why it's, it's frustrating these pagan rituals that are celebrated inside the churches and calling it Christian.
He didn't do any of this when he was here. And so this Ishtar Easter is coming up on March 31 and on April 8. We are going to be having the third solar eclipse in seven years. And so that's the one that's coming up April 8, this year, 24. October 23 on the 14th was the second one. And the first one was back in August, I believe, of 2017.
So I've got a map and a series of a PowerPoint, if we can bring that up. And then we can scroll through it. And that way people can see exactly what is happening. We see that, all right. I can see it. It is awesome. And this was done after the 17 locations of Reawaken presented to Clay Clark and General Flynn in January.
And on this I'm giving you guys, nobody else has had any of this. I'm giving you guys all three. I've only described the two because I was actually on stage Doral in Miami when the second one was happening in October 14 of 23. Now this third one. So let me let me start at the top and we'll explain the first one went from Salem, Oregon and went across out Salem, South Carolina, the only one it did not have a Salem was Tennessee.
So as you see all the states that it goes through all of the other seven states all had a Salem. What are the odds of that, Sheila? The what? What are the odds of that? Exactly. I mean, I'm so excited because nobody knows this information. This is so cool. I'm so grateful you had time to squeeze in this interview today.
So, in these seven years, these three are going to happen. Now, for many years before this, we didn't have a solar eclipse. Coming across America, they happen, and people go, Well, Sheila, there's Solar eclipses that haven't and yes, but not crossing North America. And so here we have the one coming from Salem going out the seven and in these three between 2017 and 2024 in seven years.
are informing the two crosses, one down in San Antonio area, and then the other one you'll see right up here, that's right up above, to the side of Missouri, and the bottom of Illinois, you see, and everyone thought it was going to be an X across America, meaning God was targeting America, judging America, horrible things were going to happen, and that is not the truth.
I think it's interesting too, we're at 17 locations. And this was in 2017, the first one, and then in these seven years, two crosses, and this is a slanted A, and modern Hebrew is. slanted a you see it down at the bottom on the right side where the slanted a means E L and E L is Elohim El Shaddai. That is the Lord over all.
That's the Lord Almighty. That's the majesty over all. That's the creator. That's everything has put his not only his hand is on America. He has given us a sign that he is over America because we are standing up. I mean, this is he saw what we were doing when this happened and bringing in someone not in the club in 2017.
We have been coming through this this whole time and it's so dramatic for us because it's in these exact seven years to where we are right now. Yeah, and we were talking prior to membership. I asked your opinion. You know, they say Israel is last and I asked your thoughts on that. And what was your answer?
Cause I thought that was really cute, but you had answered and I never really thought of it.
It'll be on the next slide. The the only biblical reference to Salem is Jerusalem. I think that's what you're referring to. Yep. On the next slide, you'll see how all of this relates. You'll see the states I listed the states that it goes through. So if we can go to the next slide, you see all the states with Salem in it.
Now pay particular attention to Missouri, and I'm going to tell you why, and it's going to be way down toward the end of this, but you're going to be excited to see That right in the heart of the nation. Of course, I'm from Nebraska. So the heart of the nation is actually Nebraska, but I'll let Missouri get some credit today.
Remember Missouri because it's in the heart of this group and it's in the group that I'm going to be talking about on the third. Eclipse that's coming up in april, but salem means peace It is the word in hebrew is so similar almost exact to shalom the peace shalom And it's the biblical meeting is hebrew and it's peaceful safe complete.
Perfect You can see all these things on here. It is a biblical place. It refers to the holy city of Jerusalem and what I want you to notice is what is the heart? of Jerusalem. What are the middle three letters of Jerusalem? USA. So how, how interesting and how ironic. Way, way, way back. And I don't know if we can scroll down a little bit.
The Oh, the he I guess it's just I just wanted you guys to know what the Hebrew seven fullness completeness, et cetera. The next slide shows what was happening in 2023 in 2023, Salem, Oregon to San Antonio, Texas. So it went from Salem, Oregon again, and came down through San Antonio, Texas, and went out to the Gulf.
In 2024, what does it do? It comes through San Antonio, Texas again, and it goes all the way up to Maine. It eclipses 13 states. And that's what forms the two crosses, and that's what completes the letter E L. The next slide.
The question is, will we become Americans who are one nation under God, EL is the Lord of all? The answer is in 6. 6 or Vav in Hebrew. Vav means that relationship, that connection with the Father. And I'm not good at speaking Hebrew, but Ruach HaKodesh is the Holy Spirit operating in us, connecting us to the Lord over all.
So E L, the Lord over all, is the exact symbol formed by the three eclipses in seven years, confirming Vav, our relationship with that Lord over all, the only living Lord. Next slide.
In these six It's going to go through 13 states starting in Texas. It swings up. It goes Texas. And you see why I wanted you to see Missouri. The next one it hits right up where that cross is. So they're across in Texas, across in Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York are the six states that have the town Nineveh.
Now there's only one other town that has the name Nineveh and it's. In Virginia, you see, Virginia is a little bit off to the side, but it's going to be in the shadow of the movement. But what I'm referring to, because we already know that seven is in all of this and it is at the years and it is in the process.
The six brings us into that relationship, but in the shadow of his wing, in the shadow of this is Virginia. So there's seven states that have the name Nineveh in our nation. And this one is going to pass over six that have the word Nineveh. Next slide.
The Nineveh lesson to learn. Jonah, the resistance against the assignment. Remember they say about Jonah and the whale? Well, when I was, when God was trying to launch me in America, and this is kind of funny, anybody that doesn't have my faith. I put the story in there and it was embarrassing for three and a half years.
I was interviewing men to send a promise keepers. And when I first wrote the manuscript, I only had a men's ministry, a women's ministry. I never named anybody. I never put names in it. And Bishop McKinney in San Diego prayed over it. I started doing a letter to him. And it's the complete outline of the Faith Walk book, and I didn't sleep.
He said, we'll meet in three days. I didn't sleep. I typed the whole time. I pushed the print, jumped in the shower. My hair was wet, put it up and ran down to San Diego to meet while I did drive, but I got to San Diego when I met with him. He flipped the 150 pages over. Put his hand on it and went from the beginning all the way through the book.
Wow. And he said, you know, when you went to promise keepers, you know how powerful that was. And I said, well, yes, Bishop, but I didn't say it was promise keepers. And, and then he said, well, I know. I heard about this person that went, I'm really glad to meet you. They had just laid off 350 people. I had just pushed God back three and a half years.
I got so sick of hearing the word Jonah. I got so sick of God sending somebody telling me another little part about the Jonah story. It's like, It's a short story. It's three and a half years. But I was busy interviewing great men. They already had books out. One man, Blackabee, his son had books out. The two of them were already involved with Promise Keepers.
And Guy kept telling me I asked him and he said no. And then I keep going and he goes No, Sheila, I asked him and he said no. And so I'm sitting there going, well, how can all of these men tell, you know, and he said, for six and a half years, you've told me, no. Before I was going, I thought, Sheila knows the story.
I've heard enough about Jonah. I'm going, I've accepted the assignment. Not going to end up in a whale. Let's get this thing done. And I'm packing. And God told me to go to a certain church. And I said, well, if I go there, the music will be over. He said, I don't care. Just get there and you have to go right now.
So when I got to the church, the musicians were just sitting down because I was raised Lutheran. And it's really fun for me to hear the music of the other people, which we never had in the Lutheran church. You come in, you sit down, you don't say anything until you're supposed to stand up and say something.
And then you sit back down. So I'm in this church and the minister, as I'm walking in the back door, cause Services are already going, as I walk in the back door, I try and come in privately, he's walking right up the aisle, looking right at me, and he said, my sermon tonight is not about Jonah, but there's somebody who's here who needs to hear about Jonah, and I thought, oh God, is this why he said that thing about Jonah, and he said, well, it's a little known fact, because people don't realize.
God could never give you the assignment that he, like what he gave to Jonah, unless you were grateful for all of the training, all the experiences, everything you've gone through to prepare you so he can give you the assignment. Makes sense. I had so much repentance to do, so much murder to do when I got home that night.
I was still in tears as I was folding my things and packing and I said, I'm so sorry. I thought I was so sick of Jonah, but I hope this is it. And I'm going to go where you want me to go. I just said, fallen apart because we only hear the fairy tales about these stories. We don't hear the full depth of it.
And it is a short story, but now when you go back and read it, I pray that you're going to see it's not funny if you keep resisting God, so
it's going to happen to you. And but then what did he have? He had a 100 percent result when he went to Nineveh. Now, how did that happen? When he got out of the whale, God covered him at night when he was in the vineyard and it covered him overnight. And then during the day, everything faded away and the bright sun was on him and he goes like, where's my protection?
Where are you taking me? You're the one that sent me and he's making all these complaints. And God had to just turn his head just a little bit so he could turn his head to the city. He said, this is my focus. There's 120, 000 who do not know they're left from their right. It's kind of where we were when somebody came in and told us a few topics we hadn't heard about in 2017.
Okay, if you look back right now, seven years ago, he was just beginning what he has put in place. Nobody was talking about the missing children. No one was making children the warp speed project. No one was putting big ships from the navy on both ports at left filled with children with incubators and pampers and we had no idea what was happening underground.
The things that have been brought to our attention are unbelievable. Yeah, and everybody thought that was something else going on there. Yeah, well that's what People who don't truly listen and seek the Father aren't hearing what he's really saying. They're thinking, he told them, go out and get shots. He never told them to go out and get shots.
He said, you know what I did. He said Regeneron and everyone thinks he said Remdesivir. And so, but we've been so programmed that it's like he told us to do it, so we went out and did it. That's not why he's there. He's not a monarch. He's not a dictator. And they want him to come back and finish fixing it.
Why didn't he fix it before he left? That is not the one who's going to fix this. Exactly. If we united together, that's what they did in Nineveh when they heard the truth. They said, Oh my gosh, if we can live like that, so he's given us the opportunity to come together and live like that. And that's what is possible.
And that's why they've been really trying to convince you with the great reset. So go out and buy a bigger house, go out and spend 200, 000 on TV and get your house remodeled for a forever home. And then you find out it's not going to be paid off. Your car that you went and bought isn't going to be paid off because they would own everything.
They already control everything. So anyway, if we do, if we do everything father wants us to do, we can't let up because what happened a hundred years later, that's the story of Nahum. A hundred years later, father sent Nahum. It's a short little chapter in the book in the Bible. And short book in the Bible is Nahum, and he went back a hundred years later, and what did he find?
Everything about Nahum had returned back to the situation that we were in in 2017, a hundred years later. Sometimes it's like, they keep redoing it over and over and over, and it's, I believe, up to us, and we've been discussing that, Sheila, with you too, that it's up to us to make the change. Yeah, we have to do it.
You know, it's just like when people get, I'm waiting for Trump to get back, and I said, He ain't going to be fixing anything. I'm like, why aren't you out in your communities? Why aren't you talking to people? Why aren't you doing something? So it's almost the same thing. You can only see so much light until you are shown your true, you know what I'm saying, internal, what you see out of it, what is your it, you know, and what's going to spark you to see everything.
You know, you know, you said something a minute ago. I want to, I didn't want to stop you. So I'm going to go back to it. Like when President Trump spoke, even when he doesn't now for me, it was what was in between the words that I understood. Do you understand what I'm saying? It wasn't what he was saying.
And I said this forever because for me, it just made sense. And I didn't even really know why at the time, but it was what he wasn't saying. That was the important part. And he says the most miraculous things they call it about mean tweets, but we would never have known about the horrific thing that was done by Elizabeth Warren until he called her Pocahontas.
Yeah. And then you do your research and She got all sorts of benefits by saying she was Native American, and none of us knew it. It was just on forums that nobody else sees, but she professed she was Native American. And then, think about all the lies of all the layers of, but we had reunions, we honored the Native Americans so I thought my family was Native American.
I mean, all the lies that came out later, still trying to cover up her embarrassment, instead of just saying, I was wrong. Right. And I love it because there are consequences. If you and I do that and we get benefit from it, we have to pay it back and we could end up with a prison term. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Well you know, with that mean tweet thing though, you know, you think about that.
Right? So how did we get here? We got here because it's like any ridiculous thing somebody says, you can't say anything about it. That taught me that, hey, you better start speaking up, because this is getting pretty stupid. Well, and remember, was it like 2 in the morning? It was probably 2. 17, I don't know, or 2.
15. Probably. I don't know, but it was that kind of time in the morning, and thank God I went on right away and searched up Covfefe. Covfefe is also another definition of covfefe in the end. God wins. Yeah, but now look at people have been doing research and now it's, you know, I hated chemistry. I'm so sorry.
My sister is science and math. I'm just not. I'm not geometry. When am I ever going to use it? And when have I ever used it? And when have I ever used it? And I have to cut this frog and I have to go on the inside and I have to point all these things out to you and pin it and name it. And. Why do I mean, I'm never going to be dissecting a frog and it never made any difference in my life.
And so it is not me. So when I had to do chemistry, oh, my gosh, you would not believe the work I did to get through chemistry. And when so when they said it's on the chemical chemistry chart, and you know, and you know what it is on the chemistry chart. It's just like, I'm not looking at the chart. I just I don't want to see the chart.
So some of us aren't going to realize You know, but he did another fun one one of the best ones that I really, really loved was when he was trolling the rulers who've taken over through identity theft and started ruling other nations. Anyone have a phone number for Greenland? I mean, because I really want to call Greenland.
I want to buy Greenland. Yeah. He was so serious. And people think Greenland is this amazing thing and the country that has it, I think is Denmark and they're not going to give it up. And, you know, so why do you think he wants to buy Greenland? It's all ice. And that's why they called Iceland Iceland to get you to not go there.
That's what's beautiful. If you get a chance, go to Iceland. I've only seen it on film. I have not seen it in person. But but it's beautiful. But Greenland is all ice. And so what's the term? You put somebody on ice. How do you put them on ice? The containment facilities are 10 under the ground. I went ahead and researched it.
Looked it up because he's saying it for a reason. He said Regeneron for a reason. And when he said, you guys know what I did to have the vaccine. Look at the definition for the vaccine. Or immunization. What did he do? It's a protective. And then he said, you know what I did. So you know what I did? I immediately researched.
What's the definition? The definition has changed to be a protective. Yeah. Even apple pectin is a protective. Zinc is a protective. Vitamin D is a protective. Vitamin C is a protective. All of these things that we could do to take care of ourselves as a protective because this wasn't what they said. He couldn't tell you that because the enemy is pervasive everywhere.
Yeah, that's a good thought right now too on that one because a lot of people now are going through, you know, medical issues, you know, just because of the jobs and the shots and whatever they've done. And, well, some of them don't even want to face, you know what I mean? Or look at information. So I think that's a good way, Sheila, to take some of the sleepies or the people that just don't want to look or don't want to know the truth.
They're scared, but that might be a good way. And thank you for explaining that because that's an amazing way for them to start researching, or at least we could drip. To them, you know, in those terms. And then you have also the other people that are just mad at Trump for bringing out, you know, he told everybody to go out and get these.
I'm like, well, no, he didn't. You can thank the media for that. Well, right. But what I'm saying is that's a good way of explaining it to somebody that's either angry with Trump on that issue, or there's people that are suffering now or, or actually starting to realize, oops, I made a mistake, but I don't even know where to start.
So I think that's. They keep saying, look at who he had on stage. He had Fauci on stage. He had Burks on stage. Who is Fauci? Yeah, he was an intern for Mengele. Yeah, and then he was mentored by Mengele, right? He, if you look at the, at the, at the globalist pictures, he's right there with Gates father. Yeah, and he's not a doctor.
All into Planned Parenthood. They're rewriting history and honoring each other with all sorts of prizes, you know, people say, you know Don't you want us to nominate you for blah blah blah for your books? I'm like, no, I don't want to be in that group. I don't want because people don't realize that group is the club Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and that that's not i'm doing this because god wants me to do this. I hated history growing up I I didn't like civics very much either and now i'm the one who's I've been asked to correct this, and when God said, you asked for this assignment, I said, I never even mentioned Georgia to you. I never even said anything about it.
I never even asked to go there to visit. I don't know how this came up. And the joke was, he said, everywhere you've been around the world, you have said, can you please send someone to America? To show them how it is in the other nations. Because just now we're starting to see what's happening in Russia.
Isn't that what we thought? Yeah. What's happening in other nations is not what we thought because they told us lies about everything. We believed it, made it up. Yes, and when he put Fauci and let's look back at it, and if you don't know this, let me, let me be the first one to tell you so it can be exciting.
Oh, I heard that from Sheila Holm. I'm just kidding you. But he had Burtz and Fauci on stage on purpose. Remember how proud they were? And he kept saying, you did all this work on HIV? Did you know they did HIV to us just like they did this thing called COVID? None of this is real. It's all made in the lab.
They've done all this to us. It had nothing to do with a monkey. This had nothing to do with a bat. Quit blaming animals. They're doing it in the lab. Well Fauci's a monkey. Vax was excited about it, Fauci was excited about it, nobody did the background on it, so they listened to them. And I said, you tell me when, when the president said you were supposed to go get a vax.
Yeah. That's why he did Warp Speed. I said that wasn't the reason for Warp Speed. Yeah. His whole focus is get the babies home, get the babies home, get the babies home. As it should be. That's his main focus, and that's why there were so many memes about him carrying babies across water. I mean, because they're, they've been sent to other nations.
I mean, we're bringing them home from everywhere. I mean, it's unbelievable the task that's been taken on. But here's the other side of it. Warp Speed was to get you out of the mask mandates because even his own grandfather died a hundred years ago when it was wear a mask for three years to go to jail.
So he knew what they were doing to try and do this again because every 20 year, they do a pandemic. I found it all the way back to the 1300s. I'm trying to go back further. This will be in book six. Wow. Yeah. Because they've done it every 20 year. And if we would have known the truth, Instead of doing all those pandemics, we did flu pandemics, and then all the vaccines for the flu, and look at how many people that killed.
And people got this strange kind of flu by getting the vaccine and it's all the children injured from it that don't even know that that. Yes. And everybody that got the vaccine for the H1N1 virus. Go ahead and look it up on CDC website. It wasn't from Spain. It wasn't a flu. It was an H1N1 virus. All of this is being made in a lab and released by them to then give you vaccines.
And a hundred years ago, they took in a hundred recruits in the Army and sent them to Fort Riley, Kansas, told the families that they died in the war, World War I. It's all a lie. Every one of them got the vaccine and every one of them died. These horrific things need to be brought out as truth. We, you know what, we're going to have to do the bioweapon targeting.
Well, that, that all goes to, you know, World War, Vietnam Wars. I mean, any war. Yeah. Remember they did Agent Orange. They've done, you know what I mean? My uncle was a big part of that. And the funny part was, is when Trump, and it didn't even, he called me, you know, when Trump got elected in and six months later, he's like, You know, I'm a veteran and now all of a sudden they're sending me payments for agent orange.
It was like, almost like Trump knew he went back and signed in all, you know, to help the veterans because he knew, I think in the background, but my uncle did call and he's like, you know, just so you know, I've been trying to fight this battle for, I don't know how long Trump gets in six months later, I'm getting a check every month from the government because of agent orange, you know, because I was a victim of agent orange.
So I think, and those stories aren't out there. Unfortunately, you know why they did that. The poppy fields. You know why we were in Vietnam? Poppy fields. Couldn't sell drugs without poppy fields. The poppy fields were in the club. Yeah, yeah. Couldn't put them on kids. And the orange was sprayed to protect the poppy fields for the heroin production.
Yeah, yeah. Look at the number, I mean, I don't want to, I don't want to spoil it for anybody. Look up your own research about why were we in Afghanistan? Poppy fields. Same reason. It went up hundreds, multiple hundreds percentage wise of poppy fields. For heroin production. And what are they, what are they doing with all that heroin?
Putting it right on the streets to keep them making money on that. There's a beautiful, and I used to go see the arts films, because the arts films are a completely different genre than the ones you see in the regular theaters, and a lot of them are beautifully done, and, and very powerful stories. And they did two, they went, did the one about cholera and the plague that That was another one of the 20 year in a century disasters around the world that took so many lives.
Because they're doing all of this to us. They want us dead. We just need to know they want us dead. And I'm, I'm getting into the bioweapon targeting PowerPoint, and, and we can do that today, or we can do that next, because I want to explain all of this to people, because the bioweapon. Was developed that has nothing to do with the vaccine, but it's to make the rest of us sick who won't get the vaccine and that's what they've used to target people.
And when you lose your breath and you go to the hospital and please let Gina and Doug know if you have lost a family member, a spouse Anybody that a friend who lost their oxygen, went to the hospital, simple situation, but boom, you can't go visit him. And then they died. Please let them know. I'm going to give them the website where you can go on and fill out the form and then go in on a Monday night call.
And there's a huge class action suit. And I know the attorney amazing man. He's also helping J six can J6 that are now inmates been arrested he's helping them all pro bono just to get this done, and he's also the lead attorney on the case that's been filed against Gilead, who is the creator and producer and distributor of Remdesivir.
They're also using fentanyl and everything, but we can get into that. I'll come back and do an interview with you because they created this and got a patent after Trump was elected and that the patent came out was approved on January 10, 2017 and on January 11, Fauci was already announcing it at a big meeting in Georgetown.
In D. C. So just know that all of this they've done, they've done against us and I'm stopping was we were on stage with him with Fauci and and Burks. A lot of people didn't notice this, but go back and think about it because they they Keep programming you. And so he couldn't just immediately say we can't be doing these vaccines today.
They would have you would have been a mask mandates forever. And that wasn't a law, right? That was not a law, but they were pushing it. And he needed us to see how the World Health Organization wants to control us, how the world order is taking us over how the World Economic Forum is controlling our economy.
We had to be awakened to all of this. And when he had them on stage, who else did he have on stage? He had his top military men that were going to be the ones who when a vaccine is approved, because there was only an experimental one, then he was going to make sure the military distributed it because they know how to distribute it better than anybody else.
And so that's what's going to happen. And he, he said that again and again, brought that guy on stage again and again, I can't remember his name, but he was kind of a slender guy and, and And not descriptive, really just just a very nice man and he described what they were going to be doing and he brought them up once they started saying that that's what they were going to do and he had to do that, especially because they were masking children and leaving those masks on all day at school.
We're just lucky that that so many didn't didn't get taken out because of that. So we're telling you about Nineveh. In Nineveh, if you look on the ancient map, because in my books, I talk about how God brought the ten tribes, the lost tribes, they called it, but the tribes in the north, the ten in the north, were taken captive by King Salamaster he was king for several years in Assyria, and he took them captive and took them into Assyria.
What's in Assyria? Nineveh. And Nineveh, Now is not in Syria. People said, Well, Syria became Syria. God said, No, look it up and tell my people that they think, you know, once Jonah went and they live in fairy tales. Once Jonah went, it all straightened out and everything stayed that way. And now we're in a mess and you think we don't have hope.
They didn't retain it and sustain it. That's what we have to focus on. What can I do today, Lord, that I can make this happen for myself, my family, my neighbors? What can I do? Because we all have to do what we can do locally. Because right now, Nineveh is actually Mosul in Iraq. That's how much life has changed for Nineveh.
Next slide.
So where we're living right now, we're in Hebrew year 5784. And we're here in this year until October 3 of 2024. Some say it's a jubilee year. I couldn't find that. Some say it's a jubilee year honoring some big patriarch from And that's not how jubilee works. Jubilee is on a 50 year cycle. So So how did they come up with that date, Sheila, for the October 3rd?
How did they come up with the October 3rd date, do you know? Is that their calendar? Well because it goes on the Hebrew calendar, but we're living on a Gregorian calendar, right? Okay, so if I gave you the Hebrew dates everybody be going what what date is that but you can look up there are Hebrew calendars in the Hebrew calendars, the Hebrew months and dates Because these month names and these week names just like sunday the venerable day of the sun When constantine the roman emperor who wore the sole invictus veil ring all of the emperors worshipped the sun god.
That's who all of these people worshipped. And so, they, that's why he was the one saying that it's a venerable day of the sun and all shall worship and the only ones that can be out producing are the people who are farmers and in the field and and producing, but everybody else has to honor the Sabbath, their Sabbath, which is Sunday, the venerable day of the sun God, and they're worshiping Baal, and God had me look it up.
This is the only book I ever wrote backwards. It's called A Wake Up Call. It's restoration time, because we don't need revival. We keep asking for revival, and when God sent me on a search for Wigglesworth, he made it clear. He said, Sheila, if and nobody remembered Wigglesworth, nobody remembered what the big revival happened when he was filled with the Holy Spirit and traveled the world and everything else.
Nobody even remembered it in the next generation. It was, it was tough to understand. And when I left all of that and started the journey on the train back to London, God said, I had to show you. And I said, what? And he said, If Christ is in their hearts. Why would they flatline? They couldn't flatline. They don't need me to keep reviving them.
They just need to encourage and restore each other in my truth with me and stay aligned with me. And that's what this relationship and connection with the Father is all about. In this next solar eclipse going through if if we don't do it if we don't retain it and sustain it We will be right back here in 50 or 100 years just like Nineveh And so the message in this is so strong But in this year, this is the hebrew year right now is 57 84 and it stays in this year.
We are Our new year is Rosh Hashanah, and so that doesn't come up until the fall, and it goes Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Feast of Tabernacles. It's real quick, right in between. A lot of repentance, but you can repent any day. But five is grace, which is granted by the Father. Perfection is after the repentance, aligned with the Father, because I don't think we'll be perfect until we're there, but we're trying.
And then the new beginnings, the eight, is mercy granted by our Father, and then creation is the four, we the people. We're sent by our father, and when we align with the father, we can restructure a republic and keep it with the father. And then in October 3rd, 2024, this is what is so fabulous, becomes a Hebrew year, 5, 7, 8, 5.
So it's identical. And then the last one, instead of a four, is a five. So we go from grace to grace. In that year, taking us into the fall of 2025, when they said we would all be ruined by then, we would all be gone by then they will have all electric cars by then, I mean, and now they're trying to move it to 2030, but 2025 was their threat because President Trump came in in 2017.
So look at God's message. Because you're supposed to look for the signs and wonders. Look up and see the signs and wonders. And this is what he's trying to tell us. It has nothing to do, nothing to do, with putting an X and a target on America. And if you want to know where those Native American Indians came from, They were the tribes of Israel and it's in the apocrypha that was in the 1611 bible And it says right in there when god lifted up the water And if you go back remember when he parted the red sea there was no silt He wasn't what the people are walking on silt.
Everything was dry and they walked across And it says right in the Apocrypha, from the mouth of the Euphrates, he lifted up the water, remember London was only across the pond, they lifted up the water, but even if it's the same distance today. They could easily be in America, South America, Canada has First Peoples, the same.
Those First Peoples, those Native Peoples, and the word Indian means a friend, a person of Israel origin. So, was everything there, because the 12 tribes have become the peoples of the world. Right. And he lifted the water, and if you would come straight across from the mouth of the Euphrates, he had me put this, I believe, in Book 2.
If you come straight across from the mouth of the Euphrates, that's for the Sake of America series. I'm sorry, I'm saying book two, but there's a five book series. And if you look straight across, it comes to the Savannah port. And that's why Georgia was taken over and controlled and the architect of it was King George, because remember the control has always been England.
We've never been free from England. People think we're free, we've never been free from England. That's true. And so, that. Happening and us coming into this and King George and being an architect of this, for example, when they first started forcing Native Americans out of their homes and off of their land was 1804.
What was happening in England in 1804. That's when they removed the Apocrypha to the people were finding out the truth. So they removed it, and this land. Can they buy 600 BC. And they know when Christ was on the earth, he, with some of his disciples, I don't know the names, the chiefs have told me this, but their stories are pure.
It was only them on this land. Yeah, I believe that. Until all of this happened. I don't wanna spoil. 'cause a lot of this is in the book six and then the ancients are in book seven since the arc. 'cause everybody thought, oh my gosh, it got rid of all the Canaanites and the flood and da da. That's not true.
Yeah, only Noah was the righteous one. So there's so much we didn't know. So I'm trying to help correct history so that the future generations will not fall back into these same drips. 'cause we don't live in a fairytale. We live in reality. This is what they did, and those Native American Indians had beautiful homes the chiefs had mansions at the time.
It wouldn't look like the mansions of today, but they had mansions at the time. They had wooden homes that they made, and that's what the initial territorial governors and then governors of the states lived in. The same homes, same structure, et cetera. They just moved all the Native American Indians out, and they took over.
Imagine that. Imagine that. The panhandle, St. Augustine, same thing, the history is just, they go back to the 1500s and then it's the same story over and over like you had just said, and it's going back to Spain, you know, Britain, all of it, the Queen. Everything's a lie. Well, and I, I would love to do the bio weapon targeting with you if we can schedule a day if the people would be interested, let me know.
Yep. And then if they want that website, I want to get that website link to you so that they can get involved. Because The people are owed because this was a homicide that happened in the hospitals. They weren't just given Yeah. Rem Desi. Yeah. Everybody called that the kill shot. They were given fentanyl.
Yeah. They were wondering why all this fentanyl is coming across the border. They were given fentanyl and they were given doses that were more than would kill a horse. Right. That's not hospital protocols, but that's what they were doing. That's why nobody could visit them. They weren't getting water. They weren't getting food.
They were tied down to the beds. And given these poisons, multiple doses a day, individual doses more than would kill a horse. And that's why nobody can visit them. And that's why almost everybody was saying, Oh, they're getting better. I think they're going to be able to come home tomorrow. And then they die during the night.
Everybody's hopes up. And then it's, do you want to pay the 8 or 9 thousand for the funeral or 12 thousand or 15 thousand? Or do you want us to cremate them and send them to you for under a thousand? And that's exactly what they did with the military, too. That's exactly what they did with the people that they took out.
Six people died at J6. Same thing. Yep. You want to say, you have to send us a check to process this body to send it to you, or you can pay under a thousand and we'll cremate them and send you ashes. You don't know if you're getting ashes. Yeah. Or ooze. I'm not getting anything. They're not going to go through all that.
They're not going to waste their money that you gave them to send you actual ashes of your body. Such a shame. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Let's schedule that. And then, how can people find you, Sheila, right now? Or, or first, Carly, what, besides you, with your brilliant books, I understand that you've been working on finishing, right, 6 and 7?
There's the ladies. Yeah. 6 and 7, second edition, Nation Restoration. It was so funny, when Flynn got my books in 21, it was June of 21, hadn't even had them a month, and he already called me and said, could you please let us know how we can arrange getting the second edition, Nation Restoration. And I went.
Second edition. And they, I said, I've written that since I've been in Georgia. And if it hadn't been Flynn, I probably wouldn't have done this. But it, you know, so, you know, it's just my story. And I don't think people want more of my story because it's about identity theft and how every time the agents changed my numbers after I put some judges in prison in San Diego.
And I never knew before that. I didn't know until recently. Nobody's put a judge in prison before I've just been living my life. And I thought, you know, they're committing corrupt crimes and we got to put him in prison. Federal Rico racketeering charges. They were making decisions before the cases came to court.
So I'm going through all this stuff and getting all these different ideas and boom. I get identity theft on every time they change my ID, and they knew it was foreign nationals, and yet they had me write two laws, the one in 98, and then the, that was the first one. And then I presented the second one to the Senate Banking and Finance Committee in 2003, and it became a law July 15 of 2004.
And none of it has helped us, because we're not the victim. The same with J6, we're not the victim. So, there's so much we can do a whole interview on how they've changed the terms in the law But we need to do that. Yeah suit against you You have to file a counterclaim and I didn't learn that I had so many cases against me I didn't learn that and all of a sudden I said god i'm so tired and I can't afford attorneys and i'm fighting all this I'm out of the law library.
What am I doing wrong? And he said counterclaim And I go, what do you mean counterclaim? Make them prove it. Well, it also has to do with, you know It doesn't cost them anything, maybe, you know, under 1, 000 to hire an attorney and file something horrible against you. And we panic, and we're, oh my god, we've got to defend ourselves.
So we go get an attorney, and then they start having, you know, depots and all this stuff that costs all this money. And if you file the counterclaim, they have to defend it. Every single case against me that I fought for months I had no basis or merit, but it's still on my record to try and destroy me. So, I mean, all this stuff has happened.
So I said, sir, it's just my, it's just my story and who needs more of my story? And he said, but it's related to so much. He said, please let me know when you're doing it. And I'm like, well, I just did it since I've been in Georgia. And he said, it's seven years ago from 21 and it came out in 2014. If I hadn't been talking about giving Flynn a book, I would have known 2014 to 2021, I, I would have known it seven years.
I've got my hand under my desk going 2015, 16, 17. I said, God, you, and in my head, I'm like, God, you have put me in Georgia now for seven years? I've been here seven years? I mean, you know what I mean? And I said, well, yeah, when I do that, and so now, and there's a whole nother thing we can talk about, but I'm not quite done with that one yet, is that there's a 45 point plan they've used to destroy nations, and they've already done all of it in America, and we, I, because I got a copy of it, there's two loopholes that are keeping us from And I'm being seized into the world courts and under their world order.
And so I'm, I've been working on those right away and I'm working on all 45 because God just doesn't want me to say the scriptures and how we compromised with them and don't ever do this again. He wants the whole training manual. So that the generations have a way to go and look and say, this is what they're doing because man's plans always fail.
It's in scripture. God's plans will be the only ones that stand again and again when I did the devotional and I didn't know these because I'm not a Bible scholar. I didn't know it existed. Again and again, these scriptures on fear, doubt, and unbelief, that's the devotional countering the fear, doubt, and unbelief, the tactics of the enemy.
And so I was already leading into this. God said, you've been on your way to this, Sheila. I just need you to do this training manual now. And it's like, okay, so, but in that, it's in scripture again and again. We're eternal. We're just here temporary. What can mere mortals do to us? But we think everybody's the same.
We even, I bet you, I bet you, if you really think about it, you thought, everybody thought the way you thought in 2017 until Trump started bringing up these topics and you tried to have a conversation with people about these topics. And you can't believe how those people are thinking. And you can't believe where their mind goes.
And you can't believe how deeply they've been programmed. But you never even knew you were programmed. Right. And so Look at how far we've come in seven years. Can you imagine? Because that's why Hugh said Their playbook never changes. It can't, because they only have human wisdom. Right. Their goal is to become a living god.
We could do that whole Georgia Guidestones one on the living god. That's their whole goal, and that's how they've done Planned Parenthood, and that's how they've done transhumanism, and I mean, all the stuff that we can release and reveal, and I will do whatever you guys want me to do, whatever the people want to know, I will keep coming on until The whole world knows because that's the whole thing.
Shout it from the rooftops. And you're doing it. And you are amazing. So now those 45 points are going to help. That's why books six and seven are not out. Six is in the subtitle is in the beginning dot dot dot in America. Seven is in the beginning dot dot dot in ancient times. And then a second edition nation restoration and all of those are going to be enhanced by the new research and revelations God has given me by working it because God said if they knew my plan to counter my plan, Sheila, why do my people not know my because they knew exactly what to do to take us down this path because they want us dead.
They don't want us to have any control. They want to fully control us because that's who Satan is. God gives you. They've been trying to test us. The water is do overs, do overs, do overs and everything. Well, and that's the, that's the part that most people find so hard to. Wrap. Well, and I got to take the root of this because there wasn't going to be a six and seven.
And guys, you don't have to ask me why is there not a number one on number one is because there was only going to be one because it's got a lot in it. It's got a lot in it. And it's got the whole, this is how they did it to his guys. It was enough. And I was going to get out of Georgia as soon as it got released.
And that was it. There was not going to be another book. And the joke is, you'll find in the beginning of each book, you'll see how I'm all packed up, I'm leaving the next morning, and then somebody says, oh no, we need to show you this, you're going to have to come back, and this is what we're going to, we don't have to come back.
And that's how each book has been leading into the next book. When I think it's done, I even said, In the fifth book, but this is the last book in the series because now I've taken you all the way to the highest of the, of the secret societies and I've already shown you, I got targeted. I'm done. That was your farewell tour.
And then six and seven. I have a feeling you got about 17 more of them. Well, there's five on the back burner because I did the five book series, but there'll be a six and seven. And here's the humor when I met Juan because he sent me to the specialist because I had no hair and I just barely had my voice back and he knew I had radiation issues.
And so he sent me to a specialist who had worked with Three Mile Island. And, and so that's how all this started of me coming back and getting hair again. And now people think it's a wig, but it's not. So what one said, I met him, and I just wanted to buy him a cup of coffee, say thank you, and give him a book.
So I just texted him and I said, I cannot believe what I just found out. And I, and I'm gonna make it. There were still nine of ten things trying to kill me, but. I've already lived six months and so I can make this and so, and she it'll be funny when we do the bioweapon targeting. I'll tell you some of the depth of this because it relates.
I'll schedule that for next week and then the week after we'll hit something. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we'll just be having, you know, because people when I first came out with the books we were always doing a fired up Friday and giving them all the news of the week and then giving them a little bit from the books, and we were giving them an overview of the first three books.
And then when I got to four, we started doing a couple chapters, and by the time I got to five, we couldn't even get through one chapter a week, because there's so much that they've lied about. There's so much that they've done with it. Yeah. There's nothing they've told the truth about. Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Yeah. So when I tell our, tell our mutual friend Juan when I said, you know, I'd really like to thank you and buy you a cup of coffee. And so I said, I'm going to be in town tonight. And if something works for you, please let me know. So I'm parking the vehicle in the garage, and when I'm parking in the garage, here comes this, I've been getting text messages, but I was driving and taking my luggage in, and, and so, and I didn't know if he was going to be available.
And he said and he, when he called, he said, you're only five minutes away. And I said, I'm five minutes away from where? And he said, you're five minutes away from the Trump. So when you get there, tell my waiter, I'll be there in about 15 minutes, because I'm 20 minutes away. I'm like, how do you know I'm five minutes away?
And on my car was an Albuquerque bean. Did you guys ever know about this? Yeah. Yeah. You did know about this? Yeah. Oh, here I thought this was gonna be brand new for you. So anyway, so my car was in Albuquerque. Yeah, other people haven't heard it, but I've heard this story. It's cool. I'm driving a rental vehicle and it's a big SUV.
It's all they had. They had rented out everything else. Huge snow storms. I came through to get across. It was in January of 21. 22, January 22. So I I'm driving this SUV and the taxi won't let me over. So I missed the turn into the Trump. So I go and GPS is turning me, telling me to go and to do a U turn.
And then when I came back, it told me to exit. When I exit, there's so much growth in Vegas. That there's double exits while I hadn't been to Vegas driving. I've always flown in and just used Uber or whatever. And so I take the exit. It's a construction exit. I've never known about construction exits. It looks like an exit.
I'm on the exit. I had to go around turn to do a turn had to go back and do the other you turn. So all of a sudden I get a phone call and I It's him. And so I said, sir, I am so sorry. He goes, just tell me how many U turns. I said three. He goes, okay, I know what happened. And so I'm like, I'm sorry, I'll be right there.
And he said, you got to be close. He said, because now it's 25 minutes and you're not here. And I was just like, well, you're not going to even know when I come in. And of course we don't know what he looks like. And so I'm not going to know how to find him. And so I said, sir, but I'll look for your waiter.
And if, if you're going to use the same waiter, then I'll find the waiter and I'll find you. And so I'm, I'm driving in and I said, I apologize, I'm a high speed rally driver, mountain route in California, I know how to do maps, and he goes, well, that wasn't on your bio. I thought, my gosh, this guy knows a lot about me.
And so I'm driving in and I'm thinking about the rally driving, I'm thinking about the bio, like, how did this all happen? I'm driving in and the Trump has that big entrance, and I'd never been there before, and I'm driving in and they're motioning me forward, so I come forward. And I said, sir, so I'm here just the valet is here right now, but I don't know what to do because I got all this junk in my car because I'm, I'm traveling for a couple of weeks and, and I couldn't put it on the hotel room.
And so it's in my car and I got in the road. And he goes, Sheila, don't worry about it. You're at the Trump. I'm like, what do you mean I'm at the Trump? Everything's taken care of, Sheila. They're going to park your vehicle for you. And I said, well, yeah, that's what the valley is going to do. And I'm all upset.
And I said, and I don't even know how I'm going to find you. And he said, turn your head to the right. And like, no, sir, you aren't going to know what I'm driving. And I turned my head to the right. And he's waving. And I said, I've seen him before, do you know what I mean? And so I started to give him these books, and I'm giving him because God said give him a book, and then he said, well you can't just give him that book, give him this book.
Next thing you know, I'm going through all the book bags with all the different books, and I have 18 books. He got one of all of them. And so he's trying to hold them, and he's ours, right? And so, I, he's got all these books, and so I give him one of my book bags that I have the other books in, and I just Made it and I said, sir, let's just put them in here.
And so we put them all in there And I said, but please you have to just do one favor for me He said what's that and I said the president has some and asked for some a duplicate So he's got duplicates and and melania has some and and her assistant One and some of the, there's duplicates and, but they don't have all of them, between both of them they don't have all of them.
And so I don't want you making our president jealous over you. And so they started laughing and we go inside and he knows everybody. I mean just everything, knows everybody. The very next night, by the end of that night, We go in, he sets the book bag down. He doesn't even look in the book bag. I don't know how he knew there were five books except God.
And he is very, very deep with the Father. And I, I, just talking to him, as you know, is just such an honor. And so, he's, he's inviting all these people. He knows all these famous people, so he's inviting all of them to the table and everything's going on. And toward the end of the evening, some other important people come in.
He goes to do that, and he looks at me and he goes, You're going to write book six and seven. I said, Oh, sir. No, no, no, no. You're, you're forgetting. I was targeted on book four and five. I'm not going to be writing a six and seven. He goes, well, I, I don't think I'd be telling God that. I mean, just very blandly, just on, I don't think I'd be telling God that.
I said, God knows I
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