Alex Collier: The Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History - Secret Earth History 2002

10 months ago

Conference on the Andromedan perspective on galactic history (Global Wings Workshop), held in August 2002 in Denver, Colorado, USA. One of the last appearances he had before his retirement that lasted almost six years, due between other things to the threats he received.

Some of the topics that Alex Collier develops are the following:

* Current version of Earth History versus Andromedan version of galactic history.
* Importance of caring for ecosystems.
* Conflicts between the two great orders of organic life (based on hydrogen and oxygen).
* Components of human genetics.
* Extraterrestrial colonies (Reptilians, Sirians, Cassiopeians, Lyrans, Pleiadians, Annunaki, Antarians, Andromedans, among others).
* Wormholes.
* Mother ships (Andromedanas).
* Edenes (Dome Structures).
* Prejudices.
* Tradition of communication between races.
* Lemuria and Atlantis.
* The Ciakar.
* The Grays.
* Wars of Coercion.
* Phobos and Deimos.
* Dolphins and Whales.
* Council of Andromeda.
* The Andromedans (Zenetaen).
* Ascension (Elevation).
* The Dogons and their relationship with Sirius B.
* Shape-shifting.
* Royalty and lineages.
* Walk-in.
* Illuminati.
* "Planet X" (Nibiru).
* Recognition of regressive, benevolent, hybrid beings, etc., by extraterrestrial races.

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