China to See Nearly 12 Million College Graduates This Year

9 months ago

03/10/2024 WION: The job crisis in China is severe and remains unresolved. The country's Human Resources Minister says China faces structural employment issues and that overall pressure on jobs has not eased. More than one in five Chinese aged between 16 to 24 were unemployed in June 2023. And there will be nearly 12 million college graduates in 2024. China has tried to steer the graduates to vocational and technical jobs, as China builds its advanced manufacturing sector. But lack of skilled talent remains a hurdle for the sector.
03/10/2024 WION:中共国就业危机依然严峻且悬而未决。 中国人力资源部长表示,中国就业面临结构性问题,总体就业压力尚未缓解。 2023年6月,超过20%的16-24岁中国人失业。2024年中国将新增1200万大学毕业生。中共国试图引导他们转向职业技术岗位,以支持建设高端制造业,然而,缺乏熟练技术人才仍是一大障碍。

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