[YTP] The Simpson Family Gets Haunted by a Menstruating House (Collab Entry)

10 months ago

Original Description: Entry for IsiahTheVargas1117's Treehouse of Horror Collab 2. Once again this was rushed just to finish it before the collab deadline. In retrospect I wish I had done more with it visually and added a few more creepy moments. As it is though it's not my best work, but it's alright.

Original Upload Date: 10/19/19 (Made Public on October 29)

Songs Used:

0:21 Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
0:52 Linkin Park - Crawling (The song doesn't actually say oh shit though. Sorry for the disappointment.)
1:30 Doug Walker's horribly butchering... I mean, enhancing of an already great Pink Floyd song.
2:47 Weird Al Yankovic - Homer and Marge

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