The Satan Has A Candy For You - Current Events

10 months ago

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0:00:35 the enemy who is not afraid to die
0:01:48 lefties are cooperating with Hamas
0:02:44 current problems inIsrael
0:06:40 the WAY OF THE SATAN
0:08:18 how to check what's wrong in your life?
0:14:14 who is able to detect all his problems?
0:15:25 Yosef haTzaddik, Egypt, Yakov, Goshen
0:18:43 after Yosef died, exodus, sin of the golden calf
0:20:33 connection of parshat KiTisa and Tzav to Purim
0:22:38 how much if HALF A SHEKEL this year? 29NIS
0:24:56 PRESENTS FOR THE POOR - matanot la'evyonim
0:26:14 FOOD PARCELS - mishloach manot
0:27:16 how does the Satan convince people?
0:33:33 the 3 things only God can controll:
i) rain/income
ii) births
iii) resurraction
0:43:30 Giora Kuchinsky, the memoriser genius
0:53:38 when does the Satan send you a candy?
0:55:50 parshat Ki Tisa and Tzav
1:01:04 freedom that is an express ticket to Hell
1:04:15 mental and physical decline of Israel
1:09:34 when Israel is weak Amalek shows up
1:15:34 what is the Court of Heaven?
1:19:09 Argentinian president converts to Judaism
1:22:11 where is MORDECHAI in a passuk of the Torah?
1:24:42 Haman - Tzav - avoda zara
1:25:52 erev rav made the golden calf
1:28:07 goyim think God runs the world through messengers
1:30:04 why did Aaron cooperated with the idolworshippers?
1:33:15 the idols used to have very strong power
1:36:51 why did God gave strength to idols?
1:39:53 Miriam's son, Hur chose die for God
1:42:04 R. Yosef Caro dreamt about diying in kiddush Hashem
1:45:27 warning before all would die
1:50:32 Aaron sacrified himself for the nation
2:00:41 how was HUR rewarded?
2:01:48 Haran, brother of Avraham, the first Kiddush Hashem
2:03:32 Haran's descendents
2:05:51 God's nation suffers from the erev rav

The Satan Has A Candy For You - Current Events

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