I remove this CHIP from phone before using it- Edward Snowden (He Is Not Exaggerating)

11 months ago

When I was working in Tucson, AZ in 2001... My cricket cell was being hacked and that information distributed to my fellow office workers. I no longer needed a cell phone once my contract was done. My emails were also being hacked and distributed to the local office workers.
I had no idea at the time that secret-societies(Freemasons) ruled most international corporations at that time. https://ugetube.com/watch/jfk-the-speech-that-killed-him-anti-secret-societies-movement_38SqtUhTtCFxmtH.html
The WTC later fell on 9/11 2001 which surprised me, but I already had a feeling for the secret corruption all around me due to the cellphone sabotage I witnessed... I could not explain it to anyone not close enough to me to know I was not paranoid in the past. It that was done to insignificant me, then the thUg-network were not on the back-streets, but in the offices wearing suits and dresses pretending to be workers when they were more like office parasites. (Freemasons and Eastern-stars are a network of office parasites who find good-workhorses to do their work for them, haa... I was beginning to get a feel for office-work. After Covid, the government-parasites collect their wages and kick out all non-cUlt people as Ai replaces the need for the past work-horses... you see? )

In 2010 I got another cellphone that came with the job where it's conversations were distributed to my fellow workers, but I had already been identified by the Freemasons as an awakening non-compliant resistor to their NWO- takeover, but I still did not realize that Freemasons Ruled Canada's every level of politics, police, military, education, media-services, public-services, universities, health-services... anything on the government payroll because when their Communist-takeover suddenly happens with their "Great Reset" ... the Luciferians are already all installed for a very fast flip of the switch from a voting public to a tyrannical police-state.
It is all set-up as a trap and the concentration camps will be for brainchipping the resistance into brainchipzombies and sleeper assassins. https://ugetube.com/watch/brainchip-zombies-sleepers-may-already-be-in-your-household-after-covid-everyone-needs-a-scanner_8Dp9o1iFePRIQjm.html

The way to stop the brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs ruling your country is to stop the digital-microwave communictions which link their brainchips into a hivemind. In order for the magnetic neuron interface(MNI) to remote-control the human body and use the "voice of god" weapon against the unwitting sheeple: https://ugetube.com/watch/brainchip-hivemind-freemasons-make-a-brainchip-patsy-to-destroy-evidence-for-their-cult-039-s-secret_Nmyn26DgFO1Q5jA.html

In 2007 my land-line conversations were shared with fellow workers in an attempt to make me paranoid but I understood the technology and already had discovered just how corrupt most people in power have become... I just knew to never say anything ever on a phone expecting any privacy.

In 2012 my iphone4 was being hacked with my "private" conversations distributed with my fellow workers. The pattern is obvious that secret-society thUgs rule every larger corporation and when anyone is working who is targeted by the entire Mystery School cUlt... everywhere a non-cUlt person goes now, the thUgs are hivemind-linked by brainchips to be told to attack the target with deception, lies, backstabbing, poison in restaurants and bars... bad advice from cUlt doctors and nurses, failed medical treatment is expected, so hospital help is a no-go-zone.
This is the wickedness which has secretly taken-over your probable-world... sheeple and non-cUlt people...

Snowden is hardly telling you how very bad everything has become with the Freemasons, Easternstars, upper-Catholics, upper-mormons, scientologists, Rosicrucians zionists, brainchipped worshipers of Islam hear the Ai "voice of Allah" weapon in their heads brainwashing them to serve the cUlt and not the Creator-God... stuff like this is rampant throughout the world now.

My channel will expose much more for you,
Keep using your good-intent to guide your choices and you will do much better by the end of your life-time.
And that is the best advise and bottom line... always live by good-intentions towards others and the Creator-God will always be more friendly in all your probable-choices in life.


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