Project Whistleblower: Inside Big Pharma & Alt Media with Justin Leslie

1 year ago

Scientist and journalist Justin Leslie is the producer of the film "Project Whistleblower." He worked directly on the COVID-19 Pfizer mRNA vaccine platform from March 2021- April 2022 and spent some time working undercover at Pfizer as part of the Project Veritas team. Now he tells all.

Join me for a shocking insider expose of what goes on behind the scenes at pharma juggernauts like Pfizer - as well as alternative media outlets like Project Veritas (and James O'Keefe's dubious connections and behaviour).

What Justin learned - and documented on film - could bring ph@rma giants like Pfizer to their knees. Justin also reveals what happened during his time at Project Veritas (founded by O'Keefe) and subsequently working at O'Keefe Media Group.

Why was his important information shelved by Project Veritas? What is going on with O'Keefe, is he compromised? You won't believe your eyes or ears...

👁 Find Justin's eye-opening whistleblower documentary PROJECT WHISTLEBLOWER at:

Follow Justin on socials: @JustinLeslie

🍿 For Part 2 of the episode and the members-only Q&A session with Justin, join THE TRUTHIVERSITY:

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ℹ️ About Brendan:
Brendan D. Murphy is the “consciousness guy,” host of the popular Truthiverse podcast, and author of the epic, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality — Book 1”
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