Torture & Crimes Against Humanity: Death Sentence

10 months ago

February 4, 2021 2:15PM Aliso Viejo Sheriff Station

To Whom It May Concern,

In the early afternoon on February 4, 2021 around 2:15PM I went to the Aliso Viejo Sherrif Station attempting to file criminal charges against Carolee Ogata. My phone had its service deactivated and the only thing I could dial is 911. I dialed 911 and let the operator know that I was going into the parking lot of the Aliso Viejo Sherrif Station to filed criminal charges against Carolee Ogata incase anyone tried to kidnap me to obstruct justice and prevent me for doing so. When I got to the front door, there was a sign saying that the inside was closed due to COVID-19. A police vehicle pulled up California License Plate #1518349. The police officer pretended like he was going to help me file a complaint at first, but then he refused to look at the evidence that I had brought with me. I got video of me saying that “I want to file attempted murder charges against Carolee Ogata. They are refusing to look up the evidence”. The police officer didn’t like me taking video of him in the parking lot, so ran toward me and tackled me to the ground knocking my glasses off and ripping my backpack. I asked the police officer to show his badge and ID but he pointed to his crotch and said this is my identification. A firetruck arrived in the parking lot and a fireman took my pulse. Another police car had pulled up behind the other police car. Two police officers attempted to drag me while I remain limp. One of the police officers began to push on my chest attempting to cause pain or induce a heart attack while they dragged me to the other police car that had pulled up behind the other police car. I remained limp the whole time. I asked them if they had a warrant or probable cause, and one of the police officers lied and said he would show me a warrant when they got me into car, which they never did. I told the police officers who was driving me that he was the moron patsy who was taking me in with no warrant. They never returned my glasses to me but stole them. They drove me to what I think was supposed to look like a Jail in Santa Ana. I couldn’t tell because I didn’t have my glasses. I told the people there that I had just been kidnapped.

At the alleged jail, a strange woman looked on the scratches where my handcuffs were, took photographs wrists, and brought me into a room where they x-rayed my chest without my permission. They took my finger prints and took a picture of me for an ID card. They gave me papers saying that I was supposed to be released then. I did not give them permission to do a COVID-19 test on me, so they said they were going to put me in 2 week isolation. They had me change out of my clothes into orange clothes. They put my papers for release in with my clothes and said I would get it back at the end of the 2 week isolation.

On Friday February 5, 2021, they loaded me into a bus and drove me to a new location they claimed later was Theo Lacy Facility 501 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868. They put me in a cell with another young black man named Chris Cross who stayed in the cell with me a few days until he allegedly paid his bail to get out. Chris Cross gave me his phone number, which was (956) 415-4311. They said they were just going to hold me for 2 week isolation. They brought me to a iPad that had a man dressed in black with a medical facemask on. I told him they were violating U. S. C. title 18 Section 241 for kidnapping me, holding me hostage, and not charging me with a crime. The other man in my cell Chris Cross left on February 8, 2021. I stayed in the same cell alone for the rest of the time there. When the two weeks were over, I told them they have to let me go now because they haven’t charged me with a crime. The two weeks of isolation were over. They still would not let me go. The windows to the outside were painted black, so I couldn’t see outside except for a little bit of light that was able to get in where there little holes of chipped paint. On February 22, 2021 They told me they were going to release me, so they walked me to the exit. The person walking me said for me not to be nervous because I was being released; it was as if he knew something they were hiding from me. This seemed odd to me at the time. Then they purposely prevented me from signing out. I was supposed to give my ID card to the person an sign out, but they wouldn’t let me do that. Instead, they ushered me out the exit without letting me sign out. It looked like I was in a back exit. They then made me empty all my pockets of everything and took my ID card. They then put me in a Car with a woman. I told the woman who was driving me my story of how I was whistleblower, and that I had filed a complaints to the District Attorney, Grand Jury, Attorney General, EEOC, and U. S. Department of Justice. I thought the woman was driving me back the Jail in Santa Ana to have me released. Instead she drove me to A psychiatric cell at 550 N. Flower Santa Ana CA 92703. When we got out of the Car the woman led me into a room and then told the people “he’s crazy”. They then brought me into a padded room with a camera in the corner. I stayed in the padded room with the camera from Monday February 22, 2021 till Thursday February 25, 2021. On Thursday February 25, 2021, they led me out of the padded room with the camera to get a new ID card print off. They had already taken away my ID card when they emptied my pockets at Theo Lacy. The new ID card they printed off for me was Card #3188543. They didn’t give me the ID card when they printed it off, but kept it from me. They then moved me upstairs without my ID card. They put me in cell L-16-5. On Monday March 15, 2021 a Social Worker visited me and gave me a Bible, the Book Eight Men Out, and a pencil. The book Eight Men Out was about when they tried to rigg the 1919 World Series in Baseball. The next day on March 16, 2021, they moved me to a different cell in a different room L-18-7. On Wednesday March 31, 2021, they gave me a toothbrush and toothpaste.

They told me they were going to give me my ID card back. When I went to reach for the ID card they were giving to me, they grabbed my arm and tried to inject something into me.

On April 1, 2021, they assaulted me with clear shields, took items from my cell, and injected something into my butt.

On April 8, 2021, they assaulted me with clear shields and injected something into my butt.

On April 29, 2021, they assaulted me with clear shields and injected something into my butt.

They told me that they were going to castrate me. Whatever they injected into my butt was some form of chemical castration and it destroyed my ability to sleep. I have never recovered from what they did to me. I can no longer get a restful night sleep anymore.

On May 2, 2021, they moved me to a different cell L-16-16.

On May 5, 2021, they started giving me Zyprexa supposedly to try to help me sleep.

On May 20, 2021, they moved me back to the cell L-16-5 that I had been in before.

On May 29, 2021 they injected Invega 234 into my butt.

On June 4, 2021, they moved me to a new cell in Mod N-14, cell N-27-14.

On June 8, 2021, they marked me as competent for trial by Nicole Caceres.

On June 18, 2021, they took my blood and supposedly gave me a Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine.

On June 19, 2021, they gave me a new pair of glasses. They never returned to me the glasses that they stole from me on February 5, 2021.

On June 26, 2021, they injected Invega 234 into my butt.

On June 9, 2021, they bussed me to the court and later released me.

A Public Defender who I spoke to on the phone was named Kevin Stephens 657-251-6090 or 657-251-6216. The Public Defender who had me released was named Patrice Corpus 714-501-8152.

I think the charges they claimed against me were Contempt of Court, Resisting Arrest, and Violating a Restraining Order. The public defender said that they would let me out on time already served if I did what she said. They had already assaulted me and drugged me against my will on numerous occasions in the jail, so I was willing to do anything to get out of there. I was fearing for my life because of their complete corruption.

I still cannot get a good nights sleep because of whatever chemical castration thing they injected into my butt and drugged me with against my will. They even had someone film it while they were assaulting me with clear shields and injecting things into my butt.

They claimed the man in black with a medical face mask on the iPad was a judge in Theo Lacy. I told him they were violating U. S. C. Title 18 Section 241. Because I said that, they committed medical fraud to try to drug me against my will and destroy my health. They did many other evil things like tell me they were going to have me speak with a public defender and then put a psychiatrist on the iPad. The whole system is completely corrupt. They can get away with anything. I spent most of my time there without my glasses, so I cannot identify them to prosecute them for their many crimes against me.


-Chad Clawitter

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