WW3 Update: Let My People Go! With Professor David Clements 2h 19m

11 months ago

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"Let My People Go"
Creator: David Clements @theprofsrecord

The Professor's Record - David K. Clements - New “Let My People Go” Trailer. Coming soon. Release date is 12/15/2023

A film brought to you by Slaves.

A film the captured Media will not report on.

A film that no political party wants you to see.


You are talking about Advanced Persistent Threat Level Players.
We use proprietary machines that use programs that use programs that steal, shuffle dilute our most valuable property - our votes.

This was an act of psychological warfare that you do to prisoners of war (J6 prisoner).

Produced by.... The Anonymous

Directed by.... The Censored

Created by Law Professor David Clements who was ostracized by the establishment

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