Silencing the Science

1 year ago

When Nathaniel Mead, along with his co-authors, published a paper analyzing the COVID mRNA shot platform, they faced censorship by means of a retraction. What did the scientific literature expose that called for such a response from the powers that be?
Looking into the Pfizer clinical trial data uncovered shocking, ‘statistically significant’ data on adverse events in the vaccinated, it revealed a lack of ‘adequate safety and toxicological testing’ of the products and it challenged the mainstream risk-benefit narrative on the shots.
The article attests to ‘Serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data.’
Hear the details, from Nathaniel Meal and ‘Defender In-Depth’ host, Michael Nevradakis, in this episode on CHD.TV!

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