The Call of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) | دعوة الامام المهدي (ع)

1 year ago

Embark on an extraordinary journey in this special episode of the School of Divine Mysteries, as Aba Al-Sadiq (fhip) is joined by his 12 brothers to delve into the profound depths of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light.

In a captivating discussion, he articulates the compelling reasons behind his claim to the Caliphate of Prophet Mohammed (pbuhaf).

Aba Al-Sadiq meticulously lays out the proofs, unveiling the unique proofs that encompasses the divine call; The rulership of God on earth, the holy appointment by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuhaf) through his last Will and Testament, the fulfilled prophecies and an unparalleled display of divine knowledge, Aba Al-Sadiq establishes himself as the awaited savior, fulfilling the aspirations of prophets, messengers, righteous ones, and saints.

This epic episode reveals secrets of the return of certain prophets and messengers in this contemporary era, all aligned to support the Qaim, Joseph of the family of Mohammed.

These individuals, the 12 brothers, emerge as the true brothers of Joseph, contributing to the unfolding narrative of divine prophecy.

Furthermore, this episode sets the stage for the culmination of a 10,000-year ideological war between the party of Allah and the party of Satan.

Aba Al-Sadiq issues a resounding warning to Satan, making it a landmark moment in the ongoing spiritual struggle.

Prepare to be mystified and inspired as believers worldwide are invited to join this unparalleled journey, not just with their hearts or words, but with their actions.

This episode promises to be an illuminating experience that transcends boundaries and resonates with the hearts of those seeking divine truth.

🙏 May the peace and blessings of God be upon you all.

00:00 The Spirit of God
04:39 Satan vs. God
08:23 Obedience to Imam of the Time
12:19 A Guide in every Age
16:36 Satan's Choice of Rulers
21:46 Yamani claimed Will of Mohammed
25:45 Yamani called to Mahdi
27:42 Appearance of the Mahdi
30:40 Qaim of the Family of Mohammed
37:18 Obedience is Salvation


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