II Peter Lesson-07: Remember, Rejoice, Remain - Part II

9 months ago

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This Week's Lesson

We are in Lesson-07 in the series “Grow in Grace, Grow in Knowledge” from the book of II Peter. This is Volume II of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” a study of I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Remember, Rejoice, Remain – Part II” and our focus passage is II Peter 3:10-18.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we began our two-part study of II Peter 3.
Peter is closing out this short epistle and he wants to encourage his audience to remain hopeful and firm as they continued to experience opposition and persecution from without and false teachings from within.
He is going to remind them of what they know, call out the folly of their adversaries, and encourage them with the glorious future that awaits them.
In our previous episode, we looked at Peter’s encouragement to “Remember the Prophecy (v1-9).”
Peter encouraged his audience to stand firm on the Scriptures as they faced mockers and scoffers who questioned the certainty of the return of Jesus Christ (i.e., His Second Coming).
The Scriptures are clear, and they are true. Jesus will come again to keep His promises to His people.

In today’s lesson, we will complete our study of II Peter 3 by focusing on our second division, “Rejoice in the Promise” from v10-13 and our third division, “Remain at Your Position” from V14-18.

We will see how Peter encourages believers to rejoice in our glorious future and to remain firm at our posts. 

Let’s get started.

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