10 months ago


Solveres LLC. |

Team Steps

Step 1. Understanding Networking and Your Level of Commitment
Step 2. Action Checklist and Compensation Plan
Step 3. Our Product and The Process: No Selling or Convincing
Step 4. Marketing Links for Prospecting
Step 5. Tips for Success
Step 6. Memory Jogger
Step 7. Be a Student of the Industry: Recommended Reading


The Key - Consistency: You can do this business part time or full time
but you can not do it sometime. You will see this again in Team Steps
because it is so important:

Be Accountable and Track your Activities:
1. Talk to one new person every day inviting them to watch the the
Welcome To Solveres video in your Virtual Office. Rt Click and Copy
this Link and email it to them.
2. Follow up with at least three people in the Process every day.
3. Keep track of where people are in the Process and follow up within
two days on each step, so they know you are serious about them and
your business.



Principles of Network Marketing: #1 Consistent effort, #2 Duplication,
and #3 Give it enough time.
Ingredients for Success: #1 Determine what you want, #2 Decide what
you are willing to give up in order to get what you want, #3 associate
with people who will help you, and #4 Have a plan for each day of what
you are going to accomplish.
Psychological Stages of Network Marketing: #1 It’s not worth it -
There are no short cuts, you’re not paid what you are worth at first,
#2 It’s worth it - Income is good but don’t sit back, keep
prospecting, #3 I’m not worth this much - Entrepreneurs are paid for
their vision, courage, and stamina.
Discovering and Challenging Our Belief: #1 Network Marketing doesn’t
work, #2 In Network Marketing you must be a salesperson, and #3
Network Marketing companies are all the same.
To Succeed in Network Marketing: You must have a strong belief in: #1
The company, #2 The product or service, #3 Network Marketing, and #4
Yourself. You must challenge and change old beliefs and behavior that
adversely affect you reaching your goals and making your dreams come
What Does it Mean to be a Leader? #1 A leader is able to answer three
questions: Where are we going? How are we going to get there? And why
are we doing it this way? #2 Leadership is showing someone the way and
then stepping out of the way, #3 A Leader leads by example and
influence not by title or position. You can’t ask people to do
something you are not willing to do.
Identify Your Level of Commitment. If you want to learn, we will teach
you. If you want to be a Leader, we will help you. If you want to
develop a serious business, we are committed to you. We understand
that you will increase as you grow. But for now, where do you see
yourself? #1 Just dabbling - no serious commitment or expectations, #2
A small home based business - moderate commitment with modest
financial expectations like $1,000 per month, #3 An opportunity -
business is seen as having potential. If taken seriously it could
create serious monthly income, #4 My Business, My Opportunity, My
Moment, My Vehicle: This is quantum leap in insight, understanding,
and conviction. An attitude that suggests, “I am All In this business
and this business is in me!” The magnitude of the opportunity is
sensed and the financial implications are obvious. I am in for the
long haul and with full commitment.



Review this simple checklist with your new person who just joined. It
could be the most important gift you, as a Leader, can offer them.

What is my Level of Commitment?
Have I written down my 90-day, 6 month, and 1-year goals?
Do I have a plan? How much time each day am I going to market to
Realtors, Appraisers, Mortgage Brokers, Vendors, and people in my
circle of influence.
Do I follow up with people in the Process in a timely manner to make
sure they complete the Process? I realize that if I do not, I am
showing people that I am not serious about my business.
At the end of each day do I track my progress? Do I plan what I am
going to do the next day?
Am I willing to be on the Company Conference Calls?
Have I memorized an exciting One Minute Commercial to explain Solveres
and how it works?
Have I ordered my Solveres business cards?

Giving your new people these, “Duplication Steps” is important for
several reasons:

It helps your new Solutions Representative’s know what to do
immediately upon entering the business.
It allows you to determine how serious Solutions Representative’s are
about their business.
It gives Solutions Representative’s purposeful direction and creates
an ongoing cycle of focus, action, and results for your Team and their
future Team.

Results Philosophy:

When you truly believe in something, and it’s in your heart, you will
do whatever it takes and never give or accept excuses, only results.
Attitudes are contagious and you want people to catch yours, be excited.
You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make
it. Be assured that you’ll always have time for what’s on the top of
your list.
The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we
are in order to become all that we can become.



Our Service is facilitating a Community Membership for Vendor
discounts and Member savings. We are NOT in the business of selling or
convincing. We simply take people through a process and let them

The Three Step Process is Simple:

Have them read the website.
Get their questions answered. If necessary, do a three way-call for
3rd party credibility or have them listen to a Company Conference

The Key - Consistency: You can do this business part time or full time
but you can not do it sometime. Be Accountable and Track your

Talk to one new person every day inviting them to watch the Welcome To
Solveres video.
Follow up with at least three people in the Process every day.
Keep track of where people are in the Process and follow up within two
days on each step so they know you are serious about them and your



The first thing to do is target vendors in your area. Here is a sample
list to get you started:

Home Vendors: Landscape, electrician, floor coverings, cabinets,
heating & air conditioning, plumber, remodel, interior decorator,
gutters, windows, roofing, painting, pest control, stonework, sheet
rocker, finish carpentry, blinds, fireplace & flue repair, siding,
carpet cleaners.

Personal Property Vendors: Furniture, business supplies, clothing,
electronics, jewelry, appliances, insurance, auto, printing, travel,
computer repair, salon, massage.

Links for Prospects:

For Realtors go to: Las Vegas has over 4,000.
For Appraisers go to: 70,000 in USA
For Mortgage Brokers go to:
For Vendors go to: under services click on
Household, most cities have 2,500 prospects.
For more Realty Advisors and Vendors go to: in Los
Angeles there are 470 roofers and 574 carpet cleaners. In Boston there
are 471 Mortgage Brokers and 101 Appraisers.
For Members: People you know and referrals from people you know. Use
the Memory Jogger.
For Network Marketers: Set up LinkedIn and
Facebook accounts.



The Key - Consistency: You can do this business part time or full time
but you can not do it sometime.

Be Accountable and Track your Activities:

Talk to one new person every day inviting them to watch the Welcome To
Solveres video.
Follow up with at least three people in the Process every day.
Keep track of where people are in the Process and follow up within two
days on each step, so they know you are serious about them and your

Every Independent Business Owner (Solutions Representative) needs a
solid business plan that charts a clear course for the first year,
projects the vision of their business five years into the future and
states their dates to achieve Solveres Ranks: Contributor, Difference
Maker, Life Changer, and Solution.

Always be prepared: Know your One Minute Commercial and have your
business cards.
Don’t try to push a rope: You can’t do it for someone, and you can’t
make them do it. Don’t expect others to live up to your expectations,
they have their own goals. Work with people who are ready to go now.
Actions are louder than words, you will know who is ready by what they
are doing.
Lead by example: If you sit back and manage your group, your group
will do the same thing and your business will not grow. Do what you
want your group to do.
Don’t tell people you’ll do it for them. If you do it for them, you
will deny them the personal and emotional growth of building an
organization and you will be creating a cripple. This is not
Taking action eliminates all doubt: Don’t go slow. You have 90 days to
get a new Solutions Representative some measurable success or you may
lose them.
Personal goals: In addition to the goals mentioned, make a few
personal goals that really motivate you. The harder you work, the
luckier you will get.
Have a long term perspective. It takes a while to build up your
residual income base, but once it starts coming in, there is nothing
in the world like it.
To enjoy big success you must believe in and are excited about your
opportunity, product, and service. A good question to ask yourself is,
“Would I benefit from this product and service regardless of the
Appreciate every, “No thank you”. Remember for every few No’s there is
going to be a, “Yes”. Therefore, every time you get a No it means the
Yes is getting closer. You are looking for people that are looking for
you. You are the messenger not the message.
Be coachable. Everyone goes through a learning curve during training.
Use the system: Know our Products and Services, the Comp Plan, Team
Steps, and the Process.
The phone is your best friend. You can’t say the right thing to the
wrong person, you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.
Master this and you will never experience rejection. Master the phone
and you will make a fortune.
Networking is not for everyone. Don’t try to talk people into the
business because you will have to talk them into working the business.
Members will benefit from service and discounts, let them enjoy that.
You can’t drag them across the business finish line.
As you have success, realize that you are not the only person
responsible for your success. Be grateful and help others achieve the
same success you now enjoy.



With the Links for Leads that we provide you with may never need to
approach people you know. But we recommend it. They are going to hear
about Solveres from someone and it might as well be you, someone they
know. You have credibility with people in your circle of influence.
Just remember don’t try to sell or convince, simply take them through
the Process. The more you come on to someone the faster they will back

Memory Jogger

Work with, boss, partner, landlord, plumber, security guard,
secretary, caterer, customer, coffee shop, carpool, salespeople, lunch
with, competition, repair person, copier person, union, inspector,
credit union, pension plan, delivery person, lost job.
Postal delivery, job hunting, hates job, most likable, needs part
time, engineer, new employee, operator, payroll, contractor, movers &
shakers, preacher, nurse, dentist, doctor, surgeon, chiropractor,
therapist, carpenter, auto mechanic, car sales.
Body repair, gas station, teacher, banker, teller, police, roofer,
insulator, landscaper, wallpaper person, carpet layer, department
store, grocery store, waitress & waiter, chef, cashier, dishwasher,
auto supply, electrician, hardware store, truck driver, pharmacist.
Funeral director, flower shop, health spa, dry cleaner, TV repair,
movie rental appliance repair, eye center, tire store, Realtor, office
supplies, phone installer, Avon, Nu-Skin, Amway, bowl with, hunt with,
golf with, fish with, tennis with, ski with, play softball with.
Baseball with, football with, soccer with, handball with, swim with,
fire chief & fireman, scout leader, barber & beautician, auctioneer,
photographer, counselor, youth director, sister-in-law,
brother-in-law, father-in-law, brother & sister, father & mother,
Aunt & uncle, grandfather, niece & nephew, best friend, farmer, army &
navy, air force & marine, babysitter, neighbors, best man, maid of
honor, bridesmaids, ushers, church friends, Jaycees, bridge & bingo,
trivial pursuit, jogs, hang glides, karate, principal.
Teacher, coach, piano teacher, Kiwanis & Rotary, Lions Club,
professor, chamber of commerce, hotel business, dances, printer,
sportscaster, writer, journalist, editor, publisher, tanning salon,
arcade, baker, librarian, accountant, pilot, stewardess, ambulance,
travel agent, antique dealer, piano tuner, service station, sign
painter, locksmith, upholsterer, veterinarian.
Notary public, orthodontist, dance teacher, computer repair, computer
sales, cabinet maker, bookkeeper, architect, fund raiser, tree
surgeon, game warden, cab driver, bus driver, cat lover, dog lover,
animal trainer, doll maker, Tupperware, social worker.
Health food nut, nutritionist, seamstress, bookworm, likes to sing,
likes to eat, good disposition, likes to garden shop with, likes to
talk, comedian, volunteer, discovery toys, likes to party, designer,
likes horses, you care about.



Dare to Dream and Work to Win, by Dr. Tom Barrett, ISBN: 096410651-5
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors, by John Kalench, ISBN: 0-9629447-2-6
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, ISBN: 1-878424-31-9
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra, ISBN: 1-878424-11-4
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff....and it’s all small stuff, by Richard
Carlson, ISBN: 0-7868-8185-2


Jack Bosma
Vublisher to add as a Zoom Client contact.
"Inspect what you expect."

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