"The Gods of Pegāna: Of How the Gods Whelmed Sidith" by Lord Dunsany

11 months ago

I could come up with a host of possible pronunciations for Sidith, as the 'i' in English has many options. *sigh*

(The very same night I'm recording this, I am listening to a podcast with General Anthony Tata. How do you think Tata should be pronounced? Turns out tay-tah. Each of the two 'a's gets a different pronunciation. Which makes me feel better about how I did the pronunciation here of Sidith.)

The picture used is "The angel stopped at the threshing floor of Araunah and asks for God to stop the plague."

The follow along: https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8395/pg8395-images.html#OF_HOW_THE_GODS_WHELMED_SIDITH

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