Dog Plays Soccer With Kids And Beats Them

7 years ago

A lot of dogs enjoy playing with a variety of balls, from the ubiquitous tennis ball to footballs, baseballs and more. A ball is a ball is a ball. Plenty more dogs enjoy chasing balls or trying to take balls that you are kicking or dribbling with your feet.

My dog likes to play "soccer" but he's got nothing on this pup…

Okay, yes, this dog is a big soccer, or futbol, fan but we have some questions about this video. Fine, we have one question. They are not really using a soccer ball. Instead, it appears to our eyes that these two children and their dog and playing soccer with a basketball. I do not know if you have ever played soccer with a basketball but it is not as comfortable as a normal soccer ball. There is a hardness to a basketball that a soccer ball does not have. Still, that does not take away from the impressive skills that this terrier displays. He has got some moves.

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