'Your Ride Will Arrive In… 15 Days.' Lyft Now Offers Program To Connect Nonbinary Riders And Drivers

11 months ago

It's funny to see when the left approves of discrimination and when they don't. Teenage girls don't want to shower with boys? BIGOT! Nonbinary passengers only want nonbinary drivers? PROGRESS! It's even more funny when it doesn't even work! -- Lyft has partnered with a trans-"woman" to promote their new Women+ Connect feature. The feature is meant to match women and "nonbinary" drivers with women and "nonbinary" riders to help them feel safer and more comfortable. The feature initially was limited to certain cities, but it is now being rolled out everywhere which is why Lyft partnered with this man to promote it. Absolutely disgusting move by Lyft. If Lyft actually cared about making women feel safer and more comfortable, they'd limit the feature to biological women.

The spokesperson in the video, for example, is a man. A man in a wig meant for teenage girls on TikTok. So, if the program is meant to make women feel safer by allowing them to choose a woman driver, how is that going to work if the driver is male? Then there's the nonbinary issue. Talk about a niche service! Say you're a nonbinary anywhere outside of Portland, and you request a nonbinary driver. How long is that wait going to be? What are the chances another nonbinary is within 20 miles of you that also happens to be a Lyft driver? It doesn’t even make sense. It’s implying that normal men are bad. And as long as someone doesn’t identify as a man, they are good? Yeah, about that. What happens to the transmen in this situation? Imagine launching a service to promote women’s safety by pairing them with women drivers, and then picking a man as the face of the campaign.

I bet women are super excited that they can sign up for the Women+ feature where rape and violence survivors are expecting to have a woman pick them up and instead get picked up by a mentally ill man playing dress up! Bet they feel super safe now Lyft. The worst part is they can't even say no! Imagine the headlines if a woman refused to get in the car with a transwoman driver.

• More at: Twitchy - 'Your Ride Will Arrive In … 15 Days.' Lyft Now Offers Program to Connect Nonbinary Riders and Drivers

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