coffee is a pretend motivator (for ag)

10 months ago

putting sumin out into the vortex ie internet is a bit irresponsible ain't it
gotta fast from coffee, that's the one
coffee is a placebo really
i didn't feel like working right now
Saint Mary freaks out my coworkers
i almost slapped my coworker
you can't take any of it w/ you tho
women shave cos of WW2
compassion makes women more feminine
good women exist but very sparingly
my nose looks so weird
i wonder if people are gay cos they've just had bad experiences w/ the opposite sex
why can't the good men find the good women
toxic people tend to be attracted to those that are easy to use n manipulate
borderline personalities n narcissists
the reason why they are the way they are is cos they didn't have what they were supposed to growing up
stone walling is worse than exploding
yours truly is a boundary nazi know how we feel

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