NT Framework 39: Unlimited Atonement

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SBC Family,

Tomorrow we will look at the other side of the coin; Unlimited Atonement. This is historically the Arminian position, though Jacobus Arminius and Charles Wesley held slightly different views within the Arminian camp. Don't confuse the Arminians with the Armenians. Armenians are a country. Arminians are followers of a set of theological beliefs.

Unlike Calvinists who hold that God's intention in Christ was to only die for the sins of the elect (which means God doesn't love the non-elect and He doesn't desire them to be saved and He intended from eternity past that they go to hell), Arminians hold that God in Christ provided salvation for the entire world (every person). This is true in some sense, but the way they state it is not exactly correct.

As a result, I put together my own acronym. The Calvinists used the TULIP flower, some modern Free Grace people used the LOTUS flower. I guess I'll take the LEAVES (but bear in mind that to get flowers to blossom you first have to have leaves doing photosynthesis with the suns energy) 🙂.

I've attached a document for your perusal. See you tomorrow!

Grace to you,



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