Why Is Google Changing Its Terms Of Service?

7 months ago

One man's thoughts on the Google's change in their terms of service regarding the content of their ads. Essentially, the preparation for an event is taking place and the tech company is laying the groundwork in order to feed and sustain an official narrative. The man makes reference to the people that he knows among the higher echelons of Google's computer engineers. He predicts that the event will probably be a banking crisis in order to usher in the CBDCs as a remedy to the manufactured monetary chaos.

Remember, in order to suspend our "rights," our overlords create false flag events that serve the purpose justifying their solution to a problem that they created in the first place. It's a Hegelian Dialectic model where the manufactured problem causes a reaction, the public demands action to address the perceived crisis, and our overlords present a solution that would have otherwise never been accepted nor justified if it was not for the fear and chaos that accompanied the false flag event.

02:18 into the video he discusses his prediction given what he has been told about Google's T.O.S. changes.

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