The movie

1 year ago

There is so much more evidence. I put all I can find in videos. I’ve done a few on the hangings back when it went on. And how many were served at George Bushes funeral. AKA big poppy, due to his CIA heroin ties. The funeral for Biden. Instead of being actually sworn in. The clones, the masks, the actors and look a likes. The prison barges. The biggest part has been over for some time. The show goes on because there are so many. It takes years to catch them all. Then hold tribunals.
That’s also why we must still fight.
But we are very close to the end.
It may be over when the eclipse happens. It may be over in November. Who knows? But it will be soon. Many Patriots say there will be no election. I agree. How can you move on. When the set up fraud has not be delt with publicly?
But they may have something else In store.
Also, there are children being saved constantly. I’ve heard the underground war is all but over. But I fail to believe that. Not until the irregular earthquakes stop.
Time will tell.

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