Episode 11 - Has Law Enforcement Been Infiltrated By Secular Humanism?

11 months ago

In this episode I discuss an article that came out in the Aid & Abet news publication, circulated to law enforcement across the country.

This article covers a letter submitted by a high ranking Police Chief using a false name to remain anonymous. He goes into great detail how the Secular Humanist agenda has all but taken over Law Enforcement across the country.

Written in 1991, it paints a startling picture that may explain a lot of what we are seeing today, not just in law enforcement, but in our education system as well. The primary rule or commandment of SH is that the Ends Justify the Means. Sound familiar? It's also referred to as Situational Ethics.

The idea is that there is no absolute right or wrong, no morals except that anything is justified as long as it serves your objectives. It's basically just another form of the Satanic "Do What Thou Wilt" commandment that is driving much of our culture lately.

So, if you are puzzled by the seeming lawlessness, the total lack of respect for the rule of law, the above the law mentality of the elite, this may also explain some of that. They all seem to be operating on a completely different playing field than us regular citizens, because they no longer follow the Ten Commandments, The Bible, or the Constitution. That has all been usurped, and they now seem to operate under Situational Ethics, or Secular Humanism.

This is a big problem folks, and as I have discussed in past episodes, the breakdown of our moral code is leading us back to ruthless jungle law, might makes right environment. This reality may explain much of what you're seeing playing out today across America and really across all of Western Civilization. This is an orchestrated program of cultural deconstruction and we're getting pretty close to endgame, so more people need to wake up and adjust expectations and actions accordingly. As this progresses we are going to see deeper, darker, more extreme levels of this, and it won't be pretty.

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