The Prophecy Against Egypt: The Ezekiel series, part 51 (30:1-26)

11 months ago

On this podcast the past several months, we have studied the prophecies against Ammon, Moab, Philistia and Edom; we studied the prophecy against Tyre in great detail, and then the prophecy against Sidon; today we are continuing through the prophecy against Egypt.
This series of prophecies against ancient Egypt at the time of Ezekiel takes up chapters 29 through 32 of his book, and we will cover all of chapter 30 today.
This chapter contains a lot of interesting tidbits: why is it talking about the future Day of the Lord as if it was thousands of years ago? Who are the mysterious people of the land that is in league in verse 5? Why did God say He would break Pharaoh’s arm? And here’s an interesting one: is Cleopatra prophesied in verse 12? We’ll answer those questions, and we’ll talk about the main idea of this chapter that ties all of it together. All of that today on the Cross References podcast.

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 113

0:00 - Introduction
3:00 - v-14, Egypt in the Day of the Lord
7:25 - v5-8, What Team Are You On?
14:45 - v10-12, Is Cleopatra Prophesied?
20:00 - v13-19, Cities of the gods
27:10 - v20-26, Breaking Pharaoh’s Arm
31:15 - American Decadence

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