Dog Helps Man Practice CPR On A Puppet

7 years ago

In our time at America's Funniest Home videos, we have seen a number of different engaged in awesome tricks. Out of all of those tricks we have rarely seen any that could be considered potentially lifesaving. Though, we admit that might be pushing it with this one.

I'm not saying I want this dog to save my life, but I wouldn't turn him away!

The trick is fairly simple for the pup, but his knowing when to engage and when to back away is fairly impressive. His owner, who is sitting on the couch with the Boston Terrier, is wearing a hand puppet that looks like a dog. The man starts the trick but telling the Terrier that the hand puppet, Maggie, is not breathing. He then administers a breath to the puppet's mouth. Then he puts the puppet on the couch and starts yelling, "Push, push, push!" Our EMT pup was ready though and starts using his front paws to push on the puppet's "chest." They go through this a couple of times.

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