Gabriel's Horn Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Gabriel's Horn Energy Vlog title is from the date March 9, 2024 thus # 20 the Judgement card where Gabriel Blew his horn on the Judgement day at the end of the aeon of Pisces.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News Site showed us an amplitude power of 14 at 12:30 AM UTC thus, the Devil Is given divine guidance to adhere to Temperance from here on out. The quality at apower of 44.0 thus we have # 8 The Strength card telling us to be strong and brave as we face our n inner demons. The Frequency average is 7.58 Hertz thus we have the judgemnt card again you are ready to accept personal growth.

Thus, we can say about it all: Gabriel blows his horn at the end of the age of pisces thus, we are reminded to be in a state of temperance yet be strong and brave on Judgement day. The Star seed Oracle deck gave us the I'm Sorry card Hon a pono pono I am sorry; Please forgive me; I thank you and love you. lower your shield and surrender to love.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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