Baby Skunk Is Having A Blast Swimming In The Bathtub

7 years ago

You may be surprised to learn that people all over the world have pet skunks and they aren't as strange as you may think they are. Most skunk owners will tell you that skunks are wonderful pets and are very intelligent. Some of a skunk's personality traits can make them a challenge to live with. And did you know that skunks can swim? Here we see young Podrick bathing in a tub. He is active, curious, and will get into everything. He is also prone to stealing items to make his bed softer and can be stubborn and headstrong. He does not tolerate being housed in a cage for extended periods of time.

His unique stripe pattern makes Podrick even more adorable. This small, furry animal with black and white stripes that run from head to <a href="" target="_blank">tail</a> is the same size as a house cat and has a small triangular head and little ears.

Fortunately though, this <a href="" target="_blank">skunk</a> is also friendly, loving, very entertaining, and playful. He is making a few laps around the tub but he is not competing against anyone, it is just his imagination. He can only be a rival to himself or to his owner’s hand. Whenever his owner puts her hand under his body we can see him actually swimming with such a professional vigor and enthusiasm. He looks very funny- like those animated series of short films with Jerry when Jerry thinks that he is running away from Tom but in fact he is running in the spot. Go Podrick, go, we appreciate your swimming abilities and cheer for you.

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