John Kasich Goes On MSNBC To Remind Us Why He's No Longer Relevant

10 months ago

Remember John Kasich? If you don't, don't feel bad. We had to Google him to make sure we go it right, too. Since leaving office (he was governor of Ohio), he's not done much politically and thinks his non-endorsement of Trump is going to make a difference in the 2024 campaign. -- John Kasich: “In 2016 when I decided not to endorse Donald Trump, I knew I'd pay a political price with the GOP, but it was the right thing to do for America. Sometimes in life you have to make the hard choices and stand on principle.” -- Yawn. Twitter/X users were having NONE of it. “You did everything in your power to prevent anyone from stopping Trump in the primary. You refused to criticize him on the debate stage. It's too late to rewrite that history.” -- We remember. -- Kasich on MSNBC: right where he belongs.

• More at: Twitchy - John Kasich Goes on MSNBC to Remind Us Why He's No Longer Relevant

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