'America is going to hell'_ Donald Trump slams Biden presidency

10 months ago

We Are Living in Some Very Dark Times!

Very few people realize just how far Americans have sunk into the abyss of evil. As a nation we have allowed the murder of over 40,000,000 little babies through torturous abortion. As a nation we sat back and watched Terri Schiavo being tortured to death through dehydration and starvation. As a nation we have allowed our reckless government to murder over 100,000 innocent Iraqis in a bloodbath based upon the lies of a corrupt and evil White House administration. As a nation we have allowed drunken driver after drunken driver to kill millions of innocent people, yet have failed to do anything about it (like outlaw alcohol).

Evil 'Breastaurants' On The Rise In America (sex degenerates exploit women for profits)

As a nation we have allowed homosexuality to flourish, flourish to the point where Christians are now being arrested for speaking out against homosexuality. Unfortunately, there are not enough Christians obeying the Scriptures by speaking out against homosexuality (Psalm 94:16). Thus, homosexuals WILL get their rights and sin-fighting Christians WILL be persecuted. Halliburton is presently building concentration camps in the U.S.! You can be guaranteed it will be the protesters, patriots, and Christians who are put into them!!! We will all be mislabeled as "terrorists." Are you aware of the recently created term "Christian Terrorism"? According to WIKIPEDIA.com:

"Christian terrorism is terrorism that the perpetrator claims is performed in furtherance of Christian goals or teachings..." —SOURCE (Wikipedia)

But isn't it interesting in light of all the Alabama churches burned to the ground in 2006, that no mention was ever made of "terrorists" setting the fires? So if you block an abortion clinic, you're a terrorist; but if you burn a church to the ground, then you're just an arsonist. The Ku Klux Klan has become synonymous with hatred for homosexuals. The Klan is purposely and falsely labeled as "Christian" to associated Bible-believing Christians with the group. The truth is that the KKK is a Satanic organization.

You can expect that government authorities in the near future will be labeling ALL TRUE Christians as terrorist criminals. This will be easy to do simply by comparing them to professed pseudo-Christian groups such as the KKK. In fact, Wikipedia gives a listing of "Christian terrorist" groups on their website. The term "Christian terrorism" is frightening indeed. You can also expect that preaching against homosexuality in public WILL become punishable as hate-crime. The next Democrat to take office WILL pass similar legislation here in America. Christians who preach the Word of God WILL go into detention camps.

I guess the town of Brattleboro must like to attract pedophiles, pimps, prostitutes and homosexuals, because they're flocking to wherever sin is flourishing. Don't the city council members, mayor and citizens of Brattleboro realize that sex-perverts, nudists, whoremongers and pedophiles live for this kind of sexually depravity immorality? By allowing people to walk around butt naked they're encouraging sexual crimes. Have they no self-honor, no decency, no fear of God?

“...the God in whose hand THY BREATH IS, and whose are all thy ways, HAST THOU NOT GLORIFIED” (Daniel 5:23).

I love America; but I don't like what I see happening to our nation! I believe God wants us as Christians to obey the laws of our land (Romans 13:1-7). I am NOT anti-government. However, I am unalterably opposed to the government's corruption and the stealing of American taxpayer's money. OUR government does what they do in OUR name, with OUR money and with the power that WE give them. We have every right to ask questions, demand answers and enforce justice. It is our Bill of Rights.

I do NOT hate anyone, I simply hate what God hates... EVIL. If the shoe fits, wear it. If something on this website offends you, then so be it. I do not say this to be unkind, but because you need to know the truth! America is going to hell. We are losing our manufacturing jobs in America! We are losing our rights to privacy! We are losing our homes! Do you think this is all a big coincidence? To the same degree that the American people continue to walk into the dark depths of wickedness, to that same degree America is headed for imminent destruction!

Remember that one can move to Italy, but you will never be an Italian; you can move to Mexico, but you'll never be a Mexican; but you can move to America and become an American. What a blessing! It is a shame what we are doing to this once great nation. Our love for sin as a people has caused God to remove His hand of blessing from our country. We have allowed Satan to put a noose around our necks. We have given the Devil a big stick to hit us with.

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