Stand before God seven times a day

7 months ago


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Dear priests, pastors and believers in the United States,
America is facing presidential elections this year. They will decide whether or not the elites will succeed in the global economic reset started by an artificial pandemic. The plan of globalists is to shut down all economic systems and cause collapse. The goal is to get not only the United States but all humanity into a hopeless crisis. Why? To make people ready to adopt any so-called solution only to save themselves. In fact, it will be suicide in the form of micro-chipped vaccination. What plays a key role in this is the induction of new waves of artificial pandemic and serial vaccinations resulting in the genocide of six billion people.
What are we as Christians obliged to do to save humanity? At this time we must strive even more for the salvation of ourselves and others. This is not possible without communication with God in personal prayer.
The turn of the third millennium is a time when all the foundations of faith and morality have been undermined by heresies and the spirit of aggiornamento of the Second Vatican Council.
Today, people communicate intensively through the Internet and mobile phones on a horizontal level and neglect spiritual communication with God in the vertical dimension. The prayer practice we propose here is an old one, and was followed by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. (Acts 3:1) It is the practice of prayer stops every three hours during the day. (Acts 10:3-9)
These time intervals have been observed in some monasteries to this day. Moments of faith during the day strengthen our relationship with God. Therefore, accept the proven order of prayer into your Christian life!
We pray briefly seven times a day: when we get up, at 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, and before bedtime (cf. Ps 119:164). If it is not possible to stop at a given hour, we can pray before or after it.
In the prayer stop, we call on the name of Jesus through which we are saved. The Scripture says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Rom 10:13) Jesus, the name of our Lord and Savior, reads in the original: Yehoshua, which means “God is (my) salvation”.
How to call on the name of Jesus? Imagine Jesus on the cross. Look at the wounds in His hands and His feet and His pierced side. The blood of the Son of God was poured out from His five wounds for the forgiveness of my and your sins. First turn your spiritual eyes to one of His wounds, and say: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me!” Then look at the other four wounds of Christ, one by one, and repeat this prayer. If you say it from the heart, it becomes a prayer of perfect contrition. The prayer stops thus dispose you to respond to the call of Jesus: “You also must be ready (for death), because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” (Lk 12:40)
After the prayer to the five wounds of Christ, add a biblical prayer “Shema Israel” – it is derived from Deut 6:4: “Jesus, my God, I love You with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength. Now I lose my soul for Your sake and the Gospel’s.” (Mk 8:35)
Then continue with the word of life. One or two Bible verses are recited every two weeks.
At the end of the prayer stop, make the sign of the cross.
At nine in the morning, it is useful to remember the sending of the Holy Spirit and to add the following prayer:
“Send Your Holy Spirit on us” (7×), and then say: “I receive the same Spirit as the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost.” Then we slowly say the name of God: “Ye-ho-shu-aa-aa-aa” and we become aware of what we are asking for and whom we now receive.
At twelve at noon, we remember that the Word became flesh, and Catholics add the Angelus prayer.
At three in the afternoon, we unite to Christ’s death for us.
Muslims observe stops during the day in their own way, but for Christians it is something completely different. Muslims do not pray to our Lord Jesus Christ or to His Father. Let us realize that he who does not have the Son does not have the Father either (Jn 5:23).
It is important for us Christians to return to the proven Christian prayer rhythm during the day. Get started! God is looking for zealous people to pray. God wants to save the United States through you too!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
August 28, 2020

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo Pope Bergoglio and is not subordinate to him.

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