Medicating Our Kids Is Changing Childhood.

11 months ago

With so many children suffering from depression and anxiety, it is imperative that parents get all the facts in regards to SSRI before they child is prescribed any.

In 1987 in the USA $800 million was spent on psychiatric drugs, fast forward to 2007 and the total amount spent was $40 Billion. This information is shared by Robert Whitaker a science and medical writer. He is the author of four books, and won the Investigative Reporters and Editors book award for best investigative journalism in 2010. A series he co-wrote for The Boston Globe was named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 1998.

The psychiatric community tells us that SSRI and anti-psychotic drugs will fix chemical imbalances, so we can live normal lives. But with the increase of these drugs are we seeing a decrease in mental illness? Are they really providing the promised land we are told?

16 studies that have been hidden by psychiatric associations and big pharma show that these drugs do not help long term and in fact the unmedicated fare better.

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