The BuskMan Report: The BuskMan Archives-"BuskMan Protests The Mask Mandates In July of 2020"

11 months ago

" Ain't I a STINKA??? "-Bugs Bunny

In this Report, BuskMan opens up his archives and releases a gem from July of 2020.

This was shot on the steps of The City Hall in Dayton Ohio.

NotSoFunFact: Dayton Ohio was one of the first cities in America to mandate masks within its city limits.

So...I peacefully protested the tyranny through this demonstration along with several letters being sent to the then acting Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, Nan Whaley, as well as, all of Dayton Ohio's City Council Members.

Civil Disobedience is WONDERFUL when you stand on common sense facts and The Truth That Only Comes Straight From God's Mouth, The Holy Bible, to humanity's ears.

Notice it being like a ghost town???...'FEAR FEAR FEAR!' they told everyone.
(BTW...BuskMan knew NO ONE with C-19 when he shot this!)

Or As God Put It So Well In His Book Of Proverbs to warn humanity of such foolery: " THERE'S A LION IN THE STREETS!!!" -The Book of Proverbs

BuskMan's response to all that goofiness?
"Ummm...No. Jesus Christ, The Sole Wearer of The Only Holy Corona (Crown in Latin) That I bow to, Said to DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE. ...Nothin'But'LoveFo-ya, fear-eaters and fear-mongers....because as for BuskMan and his House? He will serve THE LORD, THE SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST. ...Because, Whom The Son Sets FREE?...IS FREE INDEED!"

...A little rhythmic and lyrical inspiration from Blind Joe, doesn't hurt either! ;)

I Will NOT Comply!-Blind Joe


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