Quarry II - Old School Haulage Power - The GMC 100 Hood Sledge

11 months ago

For what it's worth, I thought about this one beforehand. There are only a finite number of old (40s? 50s?) GMC 100 hoods lying around. This is intact, badges included ... if a little scratched up. Recovered from dump and every hint showed it had been used a a drag sledge before discard (or a Death Wish snow sled?) Repro hoods push a thousand dollars.
Somewhere there's a person restoring a GMC and this would be torture, I bet! But scavenging for eBay is a slippery, disrespectful slope and even popping the badges feels 100% wrong. So I'll just have a GMC sledge that's allowing over twice the haulage mass. With motive power.
Worked VERY well last spring in hauling over some fill dirt. Just glides over the grasses. In fact, on review it looks like a great way to squash out all snakes in a field ... but probably not heavy enough so would only get 'em annoyed.

1. Yard Man LAWN tractor works great but one day I hope for a modest adult-size tractor designed for heavier hauling, etc. This is within its intended operations but primary mission is MOWING. Absolutely essential for that purpose. Using it for anything else is not preferred, esp as it belongs to the landowner and cannot risk screwing it up.

2. Hood IS considered "open season" as recovered from outer dump. If this particular hood is a big deal asset to anybody out there, I'm open. Not expecting any emails. Doesn't take long to figure out you could buy another one in better shape OR have one reproduced in a fraction of the time, money and effort necessary simply to GET HERE, much less haul it back home.
GMC 100 original badges are still available. These will not be hacked off.

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