#疫苗灾难:20230519 克里斯托弗-舒梅克博士(Dr. Christopher Shoemaker)在安大略省渥太华,对疫苗和大流行病令人震惊概述:向全世界医生发出呼吁,让我们都不再中计,不再被欺骗。

7 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20230519 克里斯托弗-舒梅克博士(Dr. Christopher Shoemaker)在安大略省渥太华,对疫苗和大流行病令人震惊概述:向全世界医生发出呼吁,"让我们都不再中计,不再被欺骗。帮助人类,收回肩膀, #拒绝打针!"(中英双语机器字幕)

Dr. Christopher Shoemaker - May 19, 2023 - Ottawa, Ontario. Dr. Christopher Shoemaker presents a stunning overview of vaccines and the pandemic. "So dear doctors of the world, let’s none of us be trapped. Let’s none of us be tricked. We are tricked no more. We will help the human population. We will refuse to put these shots into our shoulders. Ban it for ourselves by taking back our shoulders, taking back the recommendations, doctors."

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