Terrorist Activities of "Peaceful" Demonstrators - Kiev Maidan 2014

11 months ago

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Terrorist Activities of "Peaceful" Demonstrators - Kiev Maidan 2014

The documentary in this video shows what really transpired on Maidan. It is produced by the alternative German media Kla.TV and was first published on the 7th of March 2014.

The probably last honest broadcast from the German MSM about Maidan aired a week later:
The ZDF German satirical program "MADHOUSE" from 15th of March 2014, which we published earlier. Clad in satire, nevertheless it conveyed an unadorned depiction of the Maidan events.  

From there on, censorship, narrative control and massive anti-russian propaganda. 

The abrupt media shift was pointed out by our German subscriber:
And it was only shortly after the "annexation" of Crimea that the censorship started. In April I had read the last critical article by a lawyer of international law, who explained why it was not an annexation - but only in the feature section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. A few weeks after that, the last comments under newspaper articles were also subjected to strict censorship.

The German MSM became an echo chamber of distortion, lies and omissions aimed at vilifying Russia and demonising Putin.

Why are they [MSM] promoting all such slanderous content in the first place? Such deliberate distortions of facts must be classified as a warmongering crime, which must be stopped! These facts are therefore demonstrably not a conspiracy theory, but a real conspiracy!, Kla.TV said

This frighteningly controversial coverage can no longer be surpassed in terms of distortion. Because the local media have been observing all these events for days and, against better knowledge, deliberately concealed them from the world public. Such behavior proves that this is a tangible conspiracy. The same behavior is seen among many others: Spiegel.de / tagespiegel.de / Reuters /  Radio SRF / berliner-zeitung / welt.de / stern.de / finanzen.net  etc.

The documentary in German, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, French, Spanish.

@BeornAndTheShieldmaiden (Boost)

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