Surat AlFatiha / Qari Bilal as Shaikh

6 months ago

0:00​ Intro
0:06​ Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
0:12​ Alhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameen
0:18​ Arrahmani arraheem
0:22​ Maliki yawmi addeen
0:27​ Iyyaka naAAbudu wa-iyyaka nastaAAeen
0:33​ Ihdina assirata almustaqeem
0:39​ Sirata allatheena anAAamta AAalayhim ghayri almaghdoobi AAalayhim wala addalleen

Theme and Subject-Matter:

This Prayer is for all those who want to study His Message. It is placed at the very beginning to teach the reader that if he sincerely wants to benefit from the Qur'an, he should offer this prayer to the Rabb of the Universe. Al-Fatiha teaches that the best thing for a man is to pray for "Guidance towards the Right Way" and to study the Qur'an with the mental attitude of a seeker of truth, and to recognize that the Rabb of the Universe is the source of all knowledge. They should, therefore, begin the study of Al-Qur'an with a prayer to Allah for Guidance.

It is important to know that the real relation between Al-Fatiha and the Qur'an is not that of an introduction to a book but that of a prayer and its answer. Al-Fatiha is the prayer from the devotee and the rest of the Qur'an is the answer from Allah. The devotee prays to Allah to show the "Right Way" and Allah places the whole of the Qur'an before him in answer to his prayer, as if to say: "This is the Guidance that you have asked for".

Source: Malik Surah Introductions
*Note on the Arabic text*
While every effort has been made for the Arabic text to be correct, it has been copied from's text and therefore some letters might look different due to the font change. I recommend for accurate Arabic letters you refer to

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