MR. NON-PC - They'd Rather Let Them Die...Then Hurt Their Feelings

11 months ago

So I was out 2 weekends ago and I couldn't help but to notice the high percentage of obese people. From children all the way up to adults I was seeing them everywhere!!

And even worse than the OBESITY EPIDEMIC that the fallen United States has been suffering from for decades, is the fact that ALL OF IT IS COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE!!!!

The worst is how especially within the past few years how you see stories in the news about these nooma nooma's dying horrific deaths on amusement park and carnival rides too. And rather than telling these obese people that it's unsafe to ride the ride....they'd rather let them die then "hurt their feelings" mannnnn talk about sad!

But I've been saying for years now that all of this "fat culture" could end very quickly if the DOCTORS would grow a set of balls, and tell these people the truth, and help them get to a normal weight and live a good life!

But we gotta be realistic about it.....these doctors (most of them) don't give a damn and are ok with the masses of obese people dying off....because it's better them die then "hurt their feelings" right?

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