So Who Are The Ashkenazis? (read description)

11 months ago

"...The Israeli Jews, they're not Semites. So when they say that somebody who speaks out against Israel is an anti-Semite, they're talking nonsense. They're Ashkanazi Jews. Ashkanazi, the word Ashkanazi is a synonym for German. They're Germans, they're not Semites. the Palestinians are Semites, the Jews are

So basically, they're at this point a totalitarian state that's perpetuating a genocide on the actual inhabitants of the land who happen to be Semites, always have been. Those people were a lot of them initially Jews, then they changed over to Christianity, then they changed over to Islam.

But they're the original inhabitants of that land. and they're (Israel is) slaughtering them."

I have said for years that Lenin's quote dropped the first red-pill

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

The Khazarian Jews (FALSE Jews) relocated from Khazaria (now mostly Ukraine) after previously being kicked out of Asia by Genghis Khan. 80% of the Khazars flew to western europe, esp the Rheinland and they were the Ashkenazi. They stem from the same Babylonian satanic ideology pushed by the teachings of the Pharisees and the Talmud. The other 20% flew to North Africa as Sephardic.

The Bolsheviks were Khazarian, the Bolsheviks were communists who slaughtered the Romanov family and installed communism in Christian Russia, after the Bolsheviks cause famine, genocide, controlling the food (see what is happening today?). The Ashkenazi were the Nazis, same satanic bloodthirsty ideology (think Ukraine denazifying mil ops). Many Ashkenazi fled to the United States and elsewhere, think Ashkenazi controlled mockingbird media.

The Nazis started their "Holocaust" when the cabal realised they were losing the war, hence the Vatican Bank was created to fund by sides of the war. Newspapers for 15 years BEFORE WW2 were sewing the seeds of "six million jews" (I have the video on my channel showing this evidence) as predictive mind-programming. When WW2 was brought to a close the Ashkenazi-Khazarian zionist media spun their deceit to create world sympathy for the Jews persecuted and killed, real Hebrew Jews killed by False Jews (Ashkenazi). This ties in with the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the creation of the Rothschild's STATE OF ISRAEL (CORPORATION). It's not a coincidence that the zionist Bolshevik jews invading Russia in the same year of 1917.

And as the video suggests Islam is connected to it. ALL three religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) are controlled by the same satanic scumbags, unknown by the brainwashed masses, and supported by the zionist mockingbird media. Christianity is controlled by the Jesuits of the Vatican, whose job was actually to destroy the word of God and Christianity (think Sinead O'Connot ripping up a photo of the Pope many years ago). Radical Islam (Wahhabism), and zionism by way of Rabbinic Judaism by way of the Talmud. Do you really think it's a coincidence that all three enjoy building concentration camps? The Bolsheviks did it by building Gulags, the Nazis did it, and the Zionists did it in America and called them FEMA Camps, and the Israeli zionists built the largest of all concentration camps....Gaza. So big, people do not see it.

Still don't believe me? Then go watch the video of the Shriners on my channel. The freemasons are zionist, Albert Pike and his 3 world wars prediction...WW3 being the creation of the third Temple in Jerusalem and the installation of the Anti-Christ. The Freemasons are heavily involved with satanism, which is why all courthouses are freemason controlled, and Police. Why do you think governments, police, and courts are reluctant to target muslims and jews? The Shriners wear the read Fez, it's connected to Islam. Think of Lenin's quote.

Ordinary Christians, ordinary muslims, and ordinary jews (Hebrew Jews) have ALL been lied to and deceived, and the media keep the friction, tension, and division rolling.
Are you waking up yet?

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