TRUMP APPOINTS LARA as Co-Chair of RNC: Gold digger will destroy the GOP Party of Reagan & Lincoln

11 months ago

TRUMP APPOINTS LARA as Co-Chair of RNC: Gold digger will destroy the GOP Party of Reagan &n Lincoln

BREAKING: Family NEPOTISM at its worse. Trump makes diasterous decision by appointing Lara Lea Yunaska Trump as Co-Chair at RNC. This gold digger is there for one reason. DONOR MONEY. Don't donate to RNC. Donate to your favorite local candidates as Lara will be sure to dig her long greed driven claws in to the GOP -RNC national slush fund - now the Trump's own nest egg to thieve from like they have everywhere else.

If the other more serious political operative Michael Whatley ( the other new Co-Chair) doesn't fins away to get rid of her after November losses sure to come, then Trumps would have successfully ruined another once powerful American institution - the Grand Old Party pf Lincoln & Reagan. Hopefully, on April 25th, the Supreme Court will get rid of the criminal Trumps - once and for all by expeditiously sending back to the DC District Court Trump's delayed J6 trial .

The American voter deserves to know the facts and the evidence in that essential matter.
In the meantime, the Trumps truly have no real restraints from robbing the RNC bank accounts of whatever cold cash they have on hand. With dirty, risque, lust & greed driven Lara at the helm, that whole ship will be going down under soon. Sad.

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