"Multitasking At Its Best"

7 years ago

"Are you a fan of multitasking? This kid sure is. He is reading a book out loud while exercising on a treadmill. Yup, all that at the same time. Talk about time-saving!nAlthough this video is quite impressive, the scientists say that multitasking is a myth. nThe human brain simply cannot perform two tasks that require high-level brain function at once. But the kid from our video reads and walks the treadmill at the same time. Hmmm… The explanation for this is that humans never multitask, they switch-task. The processing part of our brain disallows us to do two or more of these tasks at the same time. We are simply switching, and that's why time and productivity are lost. nWell, facts are facts, but we simply can’t stop ourselves from multitasking. Just like the kid from our video, we’ll keep trying to do two things at the same time… Maybe it’s not effective but sure can be amusing and funny!"

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