4KidsTv Dec 15, 2007 Dinosaur King S1 Ep 16 All Fired Up!

10 months ago

A fire-breathing Acrocanthosaurus is attacking the city! As a news chopper reports, two different dinosaurs — a Triceratops and a Parasaurolophus — try battling it, but to no avail. Six hours earlier, at Zeta Point, and Dr. Z has just completed (with a small explosion) his new Super Alpha Controller, which he uses on the Alpha Gang's recently-acquired Acrocanthosaurus card. He says that the dinosaur is now "insanely powerful", and gives it to the Alpha trio so they can get back all of the cards the D-Team has, and lets their three main dinos stay on the island during the mission, convinced about this new dinosaur's impending victory. Meanwhile, the D-Team and Dr. Taylor are on a camping trip, but Chomp knocks the tent over onto Ace, who runs accidentally runs into the ocean, and proves once and for all he doesn't like getting wet. The D-Team tries fishing, but Rex's fish flies off the hook and onto a cart, where Ace tries to go after it but, blocked by the handle, ends up pushing the cart to the camp and into the grill, knocking hot logs onto the tent, which burns down, ruining the Dino Holders inside. Later, the Alpha Gang is heading for the D-Team's home town in a paddle-driven submarine, but Ursula accidentally tells the Alpha Droids to row too fast, and it crashes into the rocky cliff of a seashore. Back at D-Lab, Reese starts work repairing the Dino Holders, saying it should only take an hour to fix all three. Because Max and Rex are arguing over which one of their Dino Holders should be repaired first, Reese starts work on Zoe's. With night falling, the Alpha Gang arrives at their destination, and calls out their new Alpha Acrocanthosaurus. They quickly see that the Alpha Controller works effectively, and that the dinosaur really likes fire. As they head into town, Acrocanthosaurus sets trees and bushes on fire merely by walking by them. They take it along the coast road, with its feet turning the pavement molten wherever it steps, but soon run into a gas station. They try telling Acrocanthosaurus to stop, but the Alpha Controller malfunctions, and it strolls right up to the gas station, but then stops. At a "safe" distance, the Alpha Gang notice that nothing is happening, and congratulate themselves. Then the gas station explodes in a huge fireball. The explosion attracts the D-Lab's attention, and Max heads down to investigate. He arrives and finds a pair of fire trucks unsuccessfully trying to hold back the fire-blasting Acrocanthosaurus. He runs into the Alpha Gang, but refuses to give back any of the cards. He relays the situation to D-Lab, and Zoe heads over with her repaired Dino Holder. She tries to battle Acrocanthosaurus with Paris, but she is quickly defeated. Dr. Taylor shows up with not-so-fire-proof fire-proof suits, and gives Max his Dino Holder, but while Chomp is defeated by Acrocanthosaurus, too, he first helps drive the Alpha Gang into the water, causing both the Super Alpha Ball and the entire Super Alpha Controller on Zeta Point to explode, sending the dinosaur into even more of a rampage. Rex then arrives with only the Wind Stone instead of his entire Dino Holder, and finally manages to defeat Acrocanthosaurus before it reaches and destroys the town. After this, Dr. Z angrily calls the Alpha Gang, furious that they lost the Acrocanthosaurus and destroyed his Super Alpha Controller. In a rage, he throws a wrench at the projected screen he's talking to them on, and it somehow cracks the screen of the Alpha Scanner in Ursula's hands, causing it to explode.

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