Beth Bogaerts Disputes Shadow Box & Captain Underpants VS David Shurter

11 months ago

Beth Bogaerts Disputes Shadow Box & Captain Underpants VS David Shurter

Things took a different turn than what I expected on my last live-stream, so I have re-titled it to Beth Bogaerts Disputes Shadow Box & Captain Underpants VS. David Shurter

You may wonder why I am using @Jedi3301Live's current thumbnail in the video. The picture of the man in the thumbnail is known as "White Rabbit." White Rabbit and Beth Bogaerts gave journalist "Trish the Dish," the alleged Guccifer 2.0 thumb drive, and then Trish gave it to Jason Goodman and George Webb.

After the thumb drive was given to these folks the story became that the Wikileaks drop that effected the election came from DNC staffer Seth Rich, and not Russia. However, after these guys ran with the story they found issues with the authenticity of the thumb drive.

Then. Bogaerts, Thomas Schoenberger, Defango, and the group, pitched to Ed Butowskia the reputation management company known as Shadow Box.

Here is a quote from the Daily Beast about it, "The group that gathered at Butowsky’s home included a conspiracy theorist, a Fox reporter fighting for her career, a private former intelligence contractor married to a star journalist Laura Logan, and a Democratic PR operative who lost his business due to sexual allegations. The group also included Thomas Schoenberger and Manuel “Defango” Chavez, two notorious internet provocateurs who had recently launched a self-proclaimed “elite” company that promised to use bots and sow “targeted chaos" to defend clients online."

Read the full article here:

So, let's break this down, Bogaerts is the facilitator of the Guccifer 2.0 file along with White Rabbit, and then after Ed Butowski is all over the Seth Rich Family and spinning the story with Fox News, Bogaerts, Chavez, and Schoenberger come to his aid with Shadow Box.

I don't know about you guys, but I have issues with this, and I feel like I'm not getting straight answers from my inquiries with Bogaerts.

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