Metropolia/Helsinki University Class Brings in RG911 to Teach Explosive WTC Evidence

11 months ago

Professor Donald Jordan teaches at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, School of Real Estate and Construction in the Research Development and Innovation Department in Helsinki, Finland where he lives. He is relentless in having every one of his students exercise critical thinking relative to the catastrophic events at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

He invited us once again to teach our 3-hour class on the explosive destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11. The 37 graduate students were from all around the world, were quite attentive, and asked some great questions.

I hosted a Q&A at the end which is always the most fascinating and challenging section of the class. Joel asked about the strength of the building. Puneet S. asked about the antenna of the North Tower falling first, as well as the open space created in the Twin Towers. Aeryn M inquired about the quantity of explosive vs. incendiaries and the sound difference between them. Ayushi C asked me about the electrical and mechanical infrastructure connecting the different buildings of the WTC complex! And Ashraf asked for my Powerpoint slide presentation.

Tune into the class - because this is one of the best presentations that I have given - and the only 3-hour non-stop no-nonsense teaching in the last several years. I combined the best from the 3 parts of my 5-hour webinar series - 9/11: An Architect's Guide into one presentation.

I hope that you will learn and share widely!

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CSID: 8d9d72d36692e488

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