Disengaging from Negativity around you!

11 months ago


Welcome to another video with me, Bailey!

A personal note: I was struggling with a high amount of domination, control and "aimed" negativity and was struggling to understand the reasoning behind it - Spirit Realms showed me a number of dreams including spiritual maturity levels, past lives, entities, and lack of life force - I got shown that an individual was like a dried up, withered old sponge- there was no life force operating in his energy- which attributed to high amounts of domination and control coming from the mind only!
High amounts of domination, control and manipulation are a spiritual sign that one is lacking in Life Force and Light - however you could be operating from a high level of Life Force but have a "dirty" aura, past life charges operating and family conditioning creating "filters" around your unique Life Force Expression: as such an energy cleanse could be very helpful to align with more Joy and Happiness in your Earthly Experience!
We can be the most "positive" people in the world and still feel disgruntled and irritated at life experiences- it is apart of life and being spiritually realistic!

But I have found personally that spiritual discernment and boundaries have helped me to choose better energies to enhance my life with!

In this video I discuss:
•"Small Energy" and "Big Energy"
•Soul Maturity and Wisdom from experiences
•Self Centerdness, Smallness and "The World Revolves Around My Life"
•Past Lives and why you cant blame negativity on a bad childhood (although that may attribute to it)
•The Cosmic Connection- remembering "The Bigger Picture"
•Your earthly experience is just as "important" as this persons- and as such you do have a right to remove negativity and disengage from individuals who are demanding your time and energy for themselves
•Aligning with self respect and love for your energy and choosing to surround yourself with better energy
•Honing your spiritual discernment through encountering negativity
•Focusing on " bigger things" and not someone else's "small" dramas and life circumstances that do not directly involve you.
•Being Mindful with Self Sacrifical Empathy
•Spiritual Firmness

Meditation Shop: https://www.etsy.com/nz/shop/LoveBee44?ref=profile_header

Make a donation(thankyou 💕 ) : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/loveb44

To stay up to date with me and my services or book a session ( website coming soon) : https://www.instagram.com/love_bee44/

Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

#negativity #negativeenergy #lifeforce #spiritual #spiritualdiscernment #spiritualawakening #energyhealing #energywork #energyhealer #evolution #spiritual #entities #childhoodtrauma #innerchildhealing

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