Enlightenment Is Behind Us - A Psychopath' Guide To Enlightenment

11 months ago

Our relationship with enlightenment is the exact opposite as it was for our ancestors…
Enlightenment was in front of them…for us to be enlightened today we need to embrace our shadow, they were that shadow, so for them to become enlightened they needed to step into the light and embrace their intellect…and they did and with every incremental advancement they made they moved closer to balance until eventually their instincts and their intellect were equal and in that state of balance, our most conscious ancestors became enlightened, and in their enlightenment, they created the civilization, languages, political systems, mathematics, religions, stories, art, agriculture and architecture that are all still in use and remain pretty much unrivaled to this day but we have shot way past balance and we’re heading straight for the meta verse.
We’ve almost completely abandoned our instincts for our intellect and ironically it’s put enlightenment behind us and thrown modern society into confusion…I mean look around, morale is at an all time low, our men are weak, our women are angry, our kids are trans, our news is lying and our government is overreaching, the news is lying…something isn’t right. Our intelligence is growing but our wisdom is fading and the closer we get to the meta verse the further behind us enlightenment is.
Its why we’re worse than our ancestors, even with all this knowledge and this huge fucking head start, it’s why classical art, and architecture are so much fucking better than modern art and architecture, and why Divinci is still the smartest guy ever, why The Cologne Cathedral is still the most beautiful building ever, why Las Meninas is still the best painting ever, why we still don’t know how the pyramids were built, and why our most prestigious universities and really academia in general are basically in a total fucking free fall right now.
Because all knowledge is not intellectual knowledge half of knowledge is wisdom and the more we suppress our instincts for our intellect the further removed from nature and enlightenment we become, the uglier our art and buildings become and the dumber our smart people get.

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