Flood Victims Kicked Out For Migrants

6 months ago

They Constantly Tell You Tax Paying Law Abiding Fools To Go Fuck Yourselves. Yet, You Keep Running Back For More. From NYC Checkpoint Shake Downs Israel Style Harassing The Working Class With Useless Bag Checks, too Kicking Out The Homeless & Veterans Into The Street To Make Room For Illegals Who Get Free Debit Cards, Housing, No Taxes & Transportation. Making Gun Laws and Zones That Criminals Will Never Obey But You LAw Abiders Do, Leaving Yourselves Defenseless. A President" That Makes a State Of The Union Speach That Not Once Mentions The Union. Full Of Lies, Stacked Upon Lies Just Gas Lighting The Lemmings With Their Mouths Hanging Open In Worship Of The Beast System. War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength. In Soc. Huxley & Orwell With A Twist of Hitler. Trump Declared the Prince of Peace" by His Zionist Masters. Son Of Perdition. The Jewish Meschiach. The 7 Years Is About To Start. fyi

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