Read the fine print. Apophis 99942. 13.4.2029.

1 year ago

King James Bible.

Genesis 1:14.
And God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons and days and years.

Joel 2:30 - 31.
And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

Matthew chapter 24. Mark Chapter 13. Luke chapter 21 and Revelation chapter 6 are all similar speak of the same events. The Great and Terrible day of The Lord begins at the opening of the sixth seal.

Revelation Chapter 6. AKA the rapture.

Barack Hussein Obama. The man of sin, son of perdition, 666 Man, the 1st beast (Rev chapter 13) Revelation 9:11 The King, the angel of the bottomless pit, Abaddon, Apollyon, (Apophis 99942).

Born 4th August 1961.
6x6x6 = 216. (8.4.61.)

Israel becomes a nation.

+ 48 Weeks (48)

= 1st Blood Red Moon Tetrad.
13th April 1949.

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days within 61 Days (world time zones)

= 11th June 1949. Kunashak Meteorite shower (Chelyabinsk region).
20 rocks found weighing up to 200kg.

(A Genesis/Joel sign. An Act of God.
(To the number of his name)

1st Blood Red Moon. 13th April 1949.
Add the days the BRM's fall on = 48.

Barack Hussein Obama born 4.8.1961.

1967/1968 Blood Red Moon Tetrads.
Add the days the BRM's fall on = 61.

Tunguska Meteor Event. 30th June 1908. (Act of God)

United Nations Asteroid Day begins
30th June 2015 annually.
(13 year countdown to Apophis 99942 13.4.2029.)

30th June 1908.

+ 38,216 Days
= (104 Years, 7 Months 16 Days)

2012 ON u Tube I was talking about the number 38 in the bible, and its significance in the world on the nightly news.

The mathematical equation that the 216th day of the year 6X6X6 Obama's birthday + 38 Days = September 9/11 annually.

= Chelyabinsk Russia Meteor hits 15th February 2013. (Act of God) Genesis/Joel sign.

+ 2 Months 16 Years (216)

Movie. 1998. Pi Faith in Chaos. Trailers. 216.

= Apophis 99942 13th April 1949.

Tunguska Meteor Event 30th June 1908

+ 120 Years

(Noah was 120 Years when he entered in the ark)

New Testament says "As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man". (Jesus)
6th seal.

= 2029. Apophis 99942.
Trumpet 1 - 3 Chapter 8. Wormwood. KJB.

April 13th 1949 Blood Red Moon.

+ 66 Years 6 Months (666)

= September 2015.

25th September Obama/Pope Francis launched the 17 Sustainable goals 2030 agenda at the UN General assembly.
28th September 2015 was the last Blood Red Moon Tetrad on Jewish high holy feast days.

So much more on this topic I could write a book.

911 = Rev 9:11.

804 + 19 + 61 + 21 + 6 = 911.

= Barack Hussein Obama born.


216 = 6x6x6.

Revelation Chapter 1 vs 1.

+ 9 vs + 11 vs
+ 84 Vs
+ 19 vs
+ 61 vs
+ 21 vs
+ 6 vs

= Revelation Chapter 13 vs 1.
The 1st Beast that rises from the sea.

+ 18 Verses (6+6+6)

= Revelation 13:18 King James Bible.

The 666 Man.

Revelation Chapter 1 vs 1.

+ 216 Verses = Revelation 13:5.
The last 42 Months of the Beast man.

(Great Tribulation)

+ 8 Verses + 4 Verses (84)

= Revelation 13:18.
Barack Hussein Obama.


216 + 42 + 408 = 666.

Case closed...

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