Discerning Life Force and Frequency in The Earthly Realm!

11 months ago


Welcome to another video with me, Bailey!
In this video I discuss:
•Frequency, Discernment and seeing REALITY for what it is!
•Realistic and Practical Discernment tips and tricks
•The Aura and what happens when you have a cloudy aura
•How leechy people happen
•Working with your energy and making sure things are also benefitting YOU!

IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU IN THE LONG RUN! READ THE ENRGY BEFORE YOU SAY YES! Over time you begin to "pick up" how it could potentially play out for you.

A " rite of passage" into more spiritual discernment is to hone the "feeling" part of your energy and to strengthen it with discernment and realistic energetic SIGHT or SECOND FEELING. Some people call this "second sight" as it is your energetic sight. In my opinion, having this type of energetic sight or "clear feeling" with the auric boundary is much more beneficial than high levels of clairvoyance.
The reason I feel this is because you want to work with energies directly in The Earthly Realm and what YOU are experiencing in your everyday life- when you make the decision to hon that discernment and clear feeling- you are making the decision to align with BETTER BENEFICIAL harmonious life force and energies around you! It is deeply empowering!
After a little bit of practise and maybe some not so nice experiences you really begin to settle in to trusting your "first thought best thought" feelings/ sight and what your own energies are telling you about whats ACTUALLY going on around you!

We can grow in much confidence and empowerment when we begin to hon in and trust our own inner discernment , and thus can "see" energies as they are without needing them to be different or painting them in a light to make ourselves feel better.
OVER empathising with people who show little empathy towards you is the one that get females in trouble often! (me included!) Compassion and understanding is great- but so is putting your own energetic wants and needs first- as soon as you put someone else's energy ahead of your own- you may find yourself in all sorts of sticky situations that you could have avoided if you had politely let that person figure out things for themselves! It is more so about finding like minded energies to work with who are more on your "vibe". I also discern routinely with people if they have boundaries and where their maturity levels are sitting and if I should be engaging with what is going on, if not, I politely remove myself before things escalate. Usually people who are in high amounts of conflict ( some people really do thrive in negativity and find positive uplifting energy uncomfortable) - there will be maybe a little refusal to see situations for what they are, and for many of us we do enjoy putting our heads in the sand when we do not want to see things as they are!
If one's aura is not clear- there could be much confusion, fogginess and delusion as to not being able to see "the reality" of things. Delusion happens when we are not facing " the truth" of what we are creating. E.g- "I am amazing at business because I have a following" . Nope- that is not it my friend! E.g "My relationship is really amazing if I make it look that way online" when in reality the partner is struggling with alcohol addiction and you do not want to see the reality of that person. I do feel there are high amounts of online delusion at this point in time. When one is too "connected" into the online world and not their own energy- this is where fragmentation, delusion and confusion happens- and where "online personas" get created that get attention online but do not work in the REAL WORLD reality.
E.g 'I am really attractive and pretty online" but then lack basic manners and social etiquette with men in the REAL WORLD and wonder why they are struggling with men!

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To stay up to date with me and my services or book a session ( website coming soon) : https://www.instagram.com/love_bee44/

Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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