Do you know? That history repeats itself over and over again?

11 months ago

Do You Know? Episode 3
Do you know? That history repeats itself over and over again?
Most people do not realize the history of World War II! How Nazism, stuck over the German people! Truly incredible, how a Country of Poets and thinkers, can turn into Cowards, Crooks and Criminals!
I truly feel the pain, Bonhoeffer must have felt trying to save his people, from this The Tyranny! That I see today!
We must put down the Hypnosis Devices,📵 Mad Scientist have Created for Us to be Deceived, Divided, and Distracted! We have No Choice! We Must Unite and Fight these Lunatics that are Controlling every Aspect of Our Lives!
Commercial Fisherman, Standing By! We Must Realize, We are Under Hypnosis!
OUR Uniformed Personnel! Must Stand With The People! Not The Corporate Corrupt Government! We Have Today!🆘👇🙏

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